obama likens critics of global warming to "flat earth society"

Jul 02, 2013 09:29

Originally posted by metaphorsbwithu at obama likens critics of global warming to "flat earth society"


Does this man ever say and do anything that doesn't backfire in his face? Everything he touches turns to poop!

The other day, Obama was scolding Kenyans about their anti-gay marriage stand and their deputy president told our president to mind his own business, that Kenya was a nation based on Christian principles and he'd do well to mind his own business.


Deputy President William Ruto responded to Obama by saying Kenya is committed to the nuclear family as taught by the Scriptures.

“Those who believe in other things, that is their business,” Ruto said. “We believe in God.

“This nation, the nation of Kenya, is sovereign and God-fearing.”

Ooops ... must be a bigot, right?

Then there was Obama's reaction to the disaster that is Egypt as virtually 20% of the population is out in the streets trying to out the extremist Obama-supported Muslim Brotherhood from power.

Obama's reaction to what so many of us predicted would happen during the so-called "Arab Spring" - you remember, when he demanded the ouster of Hosni Mubarak and went to war against Libya (and without Congress' approval)?

He said he doesn't interfere in the internal matters of other nations.

Can you BELIEVE he says things like this with a straight face - and that the media report pronouncements like that seriously?

So why would we be surprised that the Flat Earth Society agrees with Obama?


They know no more about real science than Obama does - or economics, the private sector, history or the very founding of this nation.

What future people wll think about the people who put this man into the most powerful office in the world, with absolutely no background, experience or history to base their vote on ... TWICE.

Words ... just crazy words.

propaganda, barack_obama, global_warming

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