Originally posted by
metaphorsbwithu at
you can keep your head in the ground so long ***
It will be interesting to see who continues the charade as, now that the cat is out of the bag, more and more former "shills" for this administration are now finding safety in numbers as the pile on how they were abused and harrassed by the Obama administration.
You know ... just as we explained they'd operate 5 years ago - the "Chicago way"?
You know ... play ball or get hurt - bad?
Awww ... so now Obama, his spokes-clown Jay Carney, some hard-core supporters are STILL trying to play the "We had no idea" outrage card that all this corruption and abuse of power has been happening and trying to blame the whistle-blowers and those digging into the lies, smears and corruption as partisan hacks.
You know, like the mother who wished Hillary Clinton a "Happy Mothers Day" because she still had a child but she herself had none because Clinton was responsible for her losing her own child - her son, Pat Smith, killed defying orders to "stand down" while helping save others.
While Clinton did nothing and Obama was apparently sleeping (he won't tell WHAT he was doing).
Even the liberal rag the Washington Post gave Obama four Pinocchios for claiming yet again he called Benghazi attack a "terrorist attack" the day after it happened.
A lie - like the "Get the transcript Candy" set-up in the second presidential debate when he lied to the American people and CNN's liberal moderator, Candy Crowley rushed in to argue with candidate Mitt Romney over his Benghazi points and then cut off further discussion after giving Obama cover.
So ironic now that we learn Obama's Department of Justice has been secretly obtaining Associated Press telephone records and who knows what? You know, like a reporter who asked Obama a couple of tough questions and was (he now says) awarded with a - gasp - tax audit.
And the IRS is now he ObamaCare "enforcer".
IRS, EPA, HHS, DHS, and so on ... all agencies now with growing control and the power to punish and harass us - control over virtually every aspect of our lives. And yes - "we" voted for it. You see - the Constitution has been shredded and we are all subjects now.
It's that authoritarian/totalitarian/imperial mentality I've been talking about for 5 years now - all coming plainly into view now DESPITE the obfuscation, distractions and deflections of the liberal media.
Drunk with power.
We're seeing it. We were warned. We were given the facts ... over and over.
Big Brother, 1984, Brave New World, Rules for Radicals, the Alinsky method, all coming to life in front of our noses and a majority of people are still clueless.
Abnd yes "we" voted for it - cheerfully.
God help America - if he'd still listening.