msnbc pundit reveals 2 + 2 does = 5 ... for liberals

Feb 26, 2013 20:57

Originally posted by metaphorsbwithu at msnbc pundit reveals 2 + 2 does = 5 ... for liberals


One of my not-so-secret wishes is to confront a politician in public in front of a national audience and ask a basic question like, "How much is a trillion?"

Or some similar question any schoolboy or girl should know (although THESE days that's questionable).
In fact, in the rare cases in which someone brings up current events and politics (most people don't know my expertise since I rarely discuss serious stuff) or begins to argue a counterpoint I always ask such questions to figure out who and what I'm dealing with.

Anyway, one of the top pundits at MSNBC is Ed Schultz who is constantly saying stupid things when he isn't blasting conservatives for being stupid, racist, bigoted and liars.

Sgt. Schultz, as he is mockingly nicknamed (which is an insult to the great John Banner in my opinion) was in rare form today.

In ranting on about sequester to a caller he stated:

SCHULTZ: It's easy to say we gotta cut. We gotta cut! Let's just cut! Cut more! Hell, let's just cut everything! It's easy to do that. But when you start affecting jobs and you start affecting people's lives and you start affecting what people want, the people have to matter, OK? I mean, we have, we have to matter and the political element to all of this is, they want Obama to fail. Now you've got a budget of three and a half trillion dollars in this fiscal year. This will take $85 billion out of it. That's damn near a third.

CALLER: Drop in the bucket.

SCHULTZ (incredulous): Drop in the bucket? Really?


SCHULTZ: OK, well, we can't have this conversation then, because you're not being honest to the facts. You can't take 30, you can't take 30 percent of operational money out and expect to have the same product. You can't do it! It's impossible!

Did you get that? Ed Schultz thinks $85 billion (actually it's about $45 billion for 2013) out of a $3.5 TRILLION budget is ONE THIRD of the budget! That's 85 billions out of 3,600 billions. Here it is again:

Now you've got a budget of three and a half trillion dollars in this fiscal year. This will take $85 billion out of it. That's damn near a third.

When the caller calls him out and says the sequester "cuts" are a "drop in the bucket" he cuts him off and calls him a liar, says the conversation is over and states that you can't take 30% of the budget away. It's impossible.

A tiny 2.4% "cut" (actually spending is still higher than 2012) is almost 14 times higher in Ed Schultz's mind. Juuuuuust a little outside!

Which validates my point (And to think these people are making big bucks running their ignorant mouths on national television!).

These liberals, many if not most, don't understand numbers and don't know what they're talking about. But it doesn't bother them because it's not their money!

Oh! To be able to ask Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid how much a trillion is!

I can dream, can't I?

liberals, national_debt, spending_problem, economic_crisis

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