89 year-old world war 2 vet reportedly beaten to death by 2 'teens'

Aug 23, 2013 07:31

Originally posted by metaphorsbwithu at 89 year-old world war 2 vet reportedly beaten to death by 2 'teens'

Delbert Belton served his country, like so many young men did who were probably not much older than the two 'reported' teens who killed him in N. Spokane, Washington.

Delbert "Shorty" Belton

He grew up during the depression.

He survived WWII and Okinawa, despite sustaining wounds there when he was most likely 19 or 20.

He lived to see a time when grown men 10 years or more older than he was back then, in a time when he was slogging around like my own dad did in the Pacific, experiencing death, disease, and the horrors or war on a daily basis, now seeing a new generation of "men" now living off taxpayer-funded subsidies and staying at home with their parents.

"Men" who looked upon his generation with contempt and disdain.

They called him "Shorty" and people say he was "full of life".

That life was taken from him, reportedly, by 2 young punks who beat an old man to death for who knows why?

UPDATE - The suspects:


I don't know if the president will say anything about it.

I don't know if the race-hustlers will dare mention it.

They always operate in the context of racial politics and exploitation - whether the issues are real or not. And yet when the issues ARE real - they duck and hide.

I don't know if the national media will think it worth covering. Although I'm sure had this dear man had a gun to defend himself, the story might be far different - and of more interest to these people.

But Shorty didn't, couldn't defend himself, and now he is dead. Another veteran gone - although not in the way you'd expect. Or maybe now we should, as there are actually people out there that would just have people like Shorty get out of the way.

And there is a sickness in this fundamentally-transformed America we now live in. A sickness not only in the barbarism we see in segments of the population but in the disgraceful way in which some people respond, or don't respond, to it.

This is only one example of what is happening - but how awful it is.

In our America.

moral_values, criminalism

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