(no subject)

Feb 22, 2006 23:55

I've decided to bring my livejournal out of hybernation, solely for those times when I am truly pathetically bored out of my mind. It just so happens that right now seems to be one of those times.

I'm watching the winter Olympics. I don't know why, but this stuff totally sucks me in. Regardless of what event it is, I'm hypnotized. I got sucked in to bobsledding last night; I actually caught myself getting anxious about whether or not the bobsled was going to bump the wall. I don't know anything about bobsledding. Hell, I don't even know if it's two words. I blame it on the announcers and their damn contageous enthusiasm.

Speaking of contageous, I'm getting sick. And I'm pissed about it. Everyone I know has been getting sick lately, and I have somehow managed to escape the wrath of the bug. But somehow, the bastard caught up with me, and there's no telling how schlimm it'll get this time. My immune system honestly had me fooled that it was atually doing better this time around. Oh well, maybe if I chug enough TheraFlu it'll go away quickly. Here's hopin.

Classes are going well. I might potentially fail finance, but I'm doing fine in the rest of my classes. Least favorite- German. Yes, that thing I love so much. The class is draining my soul. I sit in the back and stare out the window, wishing I were anywhere else because she always makes us do lame ass group work that just drives me nuts, for no other reason than I just want to be able to sit in the back, silent, and not participate. But no, I'm forced to participate to some degree every class period. And what have I learned? That when I do actually say something, she chews me out. Consequently, I have developed a conditioned response- participation=getting chewed out= please God, don't let her call on me. In a nutshell.

Relationship- a crazy rollercoaster of ups and downs, surviving on the memories of when things were so good, and the hopes that it can eventually be even better. As of now, it goes from bad to worse, then ok, then worse, then genuinely great, then just plain shitty. Tell me something, people- is it acceptable to dance with other guys (not dry sex, just dancing for fun) in a club when you're in a long distance relationship? Just wondering what rational people think.

Ok. I'm going to go watch Sex and the City. It's one of the episodes from season 6, when she's dating that annoying ass russian guy. Peace out.
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