All Day Long I Sit And Watch The Paintings...

Oct 14, 2005 00:59

F.E.T.A.B Entry

ps...all you other FETAB people, you know who you are, fuck you for not updating the myspace want this book or not people?

Who Uses a Shower with no Shower Head?

By: Joey Brennan

There is one shower in the back right corner, the last stall, with no head
its just a pipe coming out of the wall
so I am in the one next to it
( like I always am cause it has a small blue bow on the shower head for some reason and its the only one use so therefore no one else does and its a germ free zone, obviously....)
so I was in there, doin my you do

and this other guy comes in
first I didnt hear him come in, and I turn around and there is a red blob outside the door, so that kinda scared me but obviously its just someone else taking a shower and we move on...well then he gets into the stall next to me
and I looked over my shoulder a little and I thought I saw eyes but im telling myself I saw no eyes cause thats fuckin weird if I did
so I say to myself, I say..that shower has no head, its just a pip coming out of the wall, did he bring his own shower head? why would he use that one?

so now I'm washing faster cause Im a paranoid mother fucker and want to get the hell out
well he turns it on, and sure enough its just water straight out of the wall
what the fuck?
so I move my little bucket of shampoo and shower paraphernalia over cause it was against the wall where the water runs to the drain and I dont want his dirty ass water running under my shower bucket
and he moves or something and the water is now just hitting the tile floor of the shower and bouncing under the wall and hitting my legs...and I say, this is fucking nasty Im done
so I rinse ASAP, turn off the water, and grab the towel (which was hanging over the wall dividing his stall and mine...would you go into a stall that has half a towel haning in it? I wouldn't either...this weird,would..) but I cant dry because fucking water is splashing everywhere
so I hightailed it out of there before he reached under and grabbed my ankel or I saw a tenticle or some scary ass shit like that...

but the question still stands, who the fuck uses a shower with no shower head?

the only answer? Bastards...thats who..
and what do we say to bastards?
Fuck Em
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