late--reposted from notes

Dec 29, 2010 09:44

The Eclipse was awesome--on and off cloudy, but over all, WOW!
At totality, it was almost Straight over head.

... (Midwinter, Midheavens, Midnight; Half hidden by clouds, Double Dimmed)..

Most of the other eclipses I have seen were more in the summer,
so the moon was lower in the sky--
Of course that also means it is Easy to spend the whole night under the stars, hanging out with friends---for this one I was alone, except for the certain knowledge of friends far off,
*Also watching*.

When the moon first rose, I could not see her at ALL, I thought the whole thing would be a wash---but the clouds became patchy, she played peek-a-boo.
So did I. I would step up and out and watch her, then come back inside and rewarm.
--I Thought about walking to the nearby stone circle---but wimped out--I even went to bed before her full return.
But I *could* have seen the whole show.
This time, totality was at mid-heavens/midnight. In other eclipses this has not always been the case. Some of them were at least partially hidden behind the earth...(arose partly gone)

I had a big pot of hot spiced apple cider to warm up with, and raise a toast to absent friends, and to share with passers-by
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