Tilting at (lexical) windmills

Aug 03, 2007 19:55

As a Witch, and a sometime word-smith, I try to be careful of the words I choose, and how I use them . From time to time I review the things I say, and perhaps choose a new windmill to tilt at ( Read more... )

teaching, feri

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eldriwolf August 4 2007, 23:41:36 UTC
----I do not think it "caused the problem"---just that it *Might* have "added to it"

---Mirth/Reverence is one of those "virtue trees" I sometimes mumble about..
(like Generosity/Frugality) they must balance...(branch/root)

It is no accident that so many magic spells seem like children's rhymes-
--that the classic cone of power is "all run madly in a circle, chanting, till the Priestess yells *DROP!!*"--('all fall down')---You *can* do a stately, slow, grapevine---but that is 'not' where the roots of power lie. Fetch has the 'direct line' to god---get out and Play!

I used to go out and dance, and play with the energies there. Knit little balls of blue fire and lob them at my friends in the band, or on the dance floor. Reach down and pull the earth energy up, throw it to the sky, to shower down on all.... ""All acts of Love and Pleasure are my rites""---I can't carry on like that now, for very long, but *I* do not expect everyone else to sit on the sidelines---heck, I may even learn to drum!

Heh, we used to have "cackling Practice" as part of a coven meeting--practice various "Witchy", "Spooky" or "Crazy" laughters...this WILL make you smile..

----I don't know when Feri went from being "those crazies, up on the hill' to being a "Well Respected Witchcraft Tradition"---part of it may be just us 'growing up'
( all in my first coven were very young when we started )--but i have noticed a difference.

Some of the Feri paradox is to startle talker into laughter--or at least silence, to see things in a new way--to encourage creativity and play.)

A religion without laughter, and Joy, is to my mind, crippled...(so is laughter that has no reverence, no respect...)


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