Tilting at (lexical) windmills

Aug 03, 2007 19:55

As a Witch, and a sometime word-smith, I try to be careful of the words I choose, and how I use them . From time to time I review the things I say, and perhaps choose a new windmill to tilt at ( Read more... )

teaching, feri

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eldriwolf August 4 2007, 05:46:34 UTC
Ah yes, I *Know* that Work is holy---

As a matter of fact--It was your post about your dad, and his self respect, his work ethic, that led, in part, to this post.
So very many folk in this culture have *Twisted and Degraded* the idea of work, that I am *currently uncomfortable* using it for my practice.

So long as the currant 'concept of work' is about doing things in a shoddy(*)way---about lack of self respect, avoiding responsibility, shifting blame, getting by-
-I can't use that word for my spiritual stuff.
Hopefully, I can fix the term *in my head* so I can use it again.

** equally bad are the folks who want it all for free, with no effort, or integrity on their part-
--I don't have a post yet for the 'entitlement set', who want stuff handed to them (..and they not even having to say thank you)
---( even the idea of play, can be corrupted)

Perhaps the division "work", "a job" might help---I had rather live in a sane culture, though.

(*) shoddy: a cheaply woven cloth, product of some of the first mechanized looms, that became a by-word for poorly-made, inferior goods... the degradation of Work had been going on for some time


elorie August 4 2007, 12:20:32 UTC
The medium of culture is individual human minds. Most especially, language, as material culture can be carried in the objects through which it manifests, but language is in constant flux. Everyone participates in culture; by the same token, everyone changes it a little bit.

In other words, if you want the meaning of a word to change (or revert) then the way to accomplish that is not to abandon the word, but to use it the way *you* mean it.


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