Lilith's Wind

Oct 21, 2006 18:35

Lilith-----Goddess of the Harpy Coven

She was in the wind today---a hot wind, gusty from inland, The kind of wind that brings fire.
Not so bad today as some days, but it being the (Berkeley hills) fire anniversary--I payed more attention.
She is also in charge of plagues, whirlwinds--(Change)--(infant death)--(still more)
She is ours, and we are Hers, and any time she calls, we go.

--Be careful, oh my friends, be prepared for change-
--Have you got your emergency supplies? food, water, medical stuff?

I do not know when (or if) you will need them, Only that they are good to have.
That it is a gesture of respect to 'the kindly ones' to be prepared.---That nature is not all fluffiness-and-Nice---that even light can burn.--Wind can turn, and bring destroying change

May it be only paranoia, may the time be far-off,in human years---but change was in the wind.

Blessings to you all
Good Hunting!

ancestors, feri

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