(no subject)

Nov 28, 2005 21:55

Oh my---where to start---so many subjects, so closely twined.

Let start with just the "classroom" style of teaching which *I* find problematic.
Once more, what follows, is *MY* opinion, I do not hate or despise those of you who who Will think differently, i am Not 'being condescending,' I Am trying to be very clear. I am aware that I am in a very small minority here. ( and yanno, i don't care.)

I belong to the Gods. ( to the Gods of Feri, who Do Not 'own' every body)
One of my tasks is to look for others that belong to them, who may be lost, find them, and bring them home again.
---If i spend all my time 'catching (or teaching)rabbits', I may miss the scent of my 'real prey', (ever so much more rare, and harder to catch.) Which would be a failure in my duty.
.- We Are a Tradition that, like many tribes, initiates All our Adults. Anyone adult, not-Initiate, is probably somehow crippled-- or not really of the tribe.

Teaching is a Religious Obligation. A Sacred Duty--And one I cannot avoid--I teach just by breathing, by being feri--it is part of who I am. Teaching towards Initiation is the Closest bond *I*, being childless, am ever apt to have --a sacrament.---The joy of finding 'one of us' is unmatched. Then, i must check and see if *I* am the right one to help them---some folk and I just wont click---and I would be remiss in Keeping them Away from "their best teacher" by trying to have them as 'mine'--it would be wrong.
Not every one is suitable to be a feri initiate. Teaching someone you Know is not suited is wrong, a waste of both of your time.

(unless you Mean to have a 'feri laity', "feri spirituality" Underclass for Initiates to lord it over----In which case lets Get That Out on the Table: and Discuss it Openly!!---a subject for a different post, i suppose)

I am Very suspicious of Non Negotiated D/S situations. I distrust the Inherent 'power-over', 'teacher-Student' dichotomy; I was fascinated to see that Storm thought it was a good thing in His case, something he "Needed"---It had not occurred to me that that would Ever be the case.
I distrust handouts, because they imply that all students are alike. (OK, Perhaps as a Starting point for a Several Hours long Discussion, but not "this is the lesson-")
Lesson plans, like battle plans, fall apart one the actuality occurs.
Lectures are, to quote a professor, "The quickest way to get information from the lecturer's notebook to the student's note book with the least effort, bypassing all brains involved."
I know the classroom environment is how This Culture generally teaches, but it is *Not* necessarily the Best Way, for all kinds of knowledge. I see it as pretty much a product of empires, a power-over artifact that needs to be examined, *Carefully*, before being employed.

I come from, a fairly dysfunctional family,( in this culture, who does not?) I Know that there are Thousands (millions) out there in need of Rescue-----more than Anyone could Ever reach----
Save me from the co-dependent Need to fix. I would be wasting my time.

I seem to have ample time to teach those few i find, who Are of the kin, and 'right' for me to teach-- or send them off to other lines to be Initiated. If I spent my time on those who do not make my heart sing in recognition of kinship---I might not find the ones suitable for me to teach--I might even resent them--or come to expect some "reward for my time" instead of rejoicing in the Gift of being Able to spend time with real kin.

upg, teaching, feri

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