Question meme

Oct 24, 2005 19:17

1) What is the most perfect moment you have ever had so far?
Hard to choose--- -OK,
round river rendezvous, north rim of the Grand Canyon,(but facing west)
Sunset, clouds glowing, faint bird songs, smell of high desert,(pinon pine, sage, etc.) heat fading, colours growing, accenting the colours in the cliffs---standing at the Very Edge; heart Full of Wonder, Awe, Gratitude,--as the wind begins to rise from the canyon.
On impulse, i untie a shell, (brought from my favourite beach in california,) from my stick, kiss it, and fling it as far as i can, out into the canyon----and a bat Appears, flutters directly in front of me, Vanishes--- ( sometimes, you can't even give a gift---)

2) What started you on your spiritual path?
Uhhhh--- Nature?, books?---the Wind?? by grade school i was talking to the wind, and to the spirits that lived out in the woods, And trees,etc---
When i was nine, i named my (second) pet rabbit,' Peter Shadow Blackmagic', though mostly i only called him Shadow---(he was a black rabbit.) and in the Fourth grade, i swore off being cristian, 'cause of how they treated the Natives---(we got california history that year)--after that , i called myself heathen

3) Who is the person that you think most highly of, in your life, right now?
Feh, IN my life?? right now?( that Limits it!)----elfwreck

4) What piece of advice would you give anybody who was interested in Feri?
Embrace Change

! 5) Pie or cake?
Homemade pie --(gooseberry)

Meme rules:
1 -- Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 -- I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 -- You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 -- You'll include this explanation.
5 -- You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed
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