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Comments 11

sittingduck1313 February 4 2015, 13:14:20 UTC
Personally, I think the only real difference between the Big Bang and, "Let there be light," is that the former avoids identifying a specific entity kicking it off.


eldritchhobbit February 10 2015, 23:59:52 UTC


whswhs February 4 2015, 14:21:45 UTC
That piece on dystopia seems to kind of broaden the definition. I ran an rpg series years ago set in a fantasy later Roman Empire, right around anno urbis conditae 1000. When I read Gibbon's account of economic difficulties, civil disorder, and widespread violence, I said, "Ah, perfect for an exciting campaign!" But I never called it dystopian. It was more a case of "interesting times," much like Middle-Earth during Sauron's final resurgence.

When I think of dystopia, I think of something more specific: A society systematically organized to pursue and embody an ethical concept-but a false and harmful ethical concept. That is, dystopia, like utopia, is not a venture in realism, but a form of ethical discourse through the imaginative concretization of an abstract principle. It's a way of saying, "Let's see how this would work if we could do it."


wellinghall February 5 2015, 07:24:34 UTC
Some interesting comments there, on an interesting link - thanks, both.


eldritchhobbit February 11 2015, 00:00:20 UTC
A society systematically organized to pursue and embody an ethical concept-but a false and harmful ethical concept.

Oh, well said!


sittingduck1313 February 5 2015, 13:27:19 UTC
If Shakespeare counts as classical tradition (and I certainly don't see why not), that could fill several papers. In particular, I'm thinking of an anime series from last year that I followed called Akame ga Kill. While not specifically imitating any one play, it does feature pretty much every element from his major tragedies. The most important of these being the use of comic relief to amplify the tragic bits while at the same time keeping them from becoming too oppressive.


sittingduck1313 February 6 2015, 13:01:57 UTC
And speaking of Shakespeare, have a gander at this.



eldritchhobbit February 11 2015, 00:02:47 UTC
LOL! How fun! And clever. That would be a blast to play. Thanks for the link!


eldritchhobbit February 11 2015, 00:01:27 UTC
I think the CFP was referring to classical antiquity, as in Rome or Greece, as opposed to classics of any era, but your point is well taken anyway!


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