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sittingduck1313 February 5 2015, 13:27:19 UTC
If Shakespeare counts as classical tradition (and I certainly don't see why not), that could fill several papers. In particular, I'm thinking of an anime series from last year that I followed called Akame ga Kill. While not specifically imitating any one play, it does feature pretty much every element from his major tragedies. The most important of these being the use of comic relief to amplify the tragic bits while at the same time keeping them from becoming too oppressive.


sittingduck1313 February 6 2015, 13:01:57 UTC
And speaking of Shakespeare, have a gander at this.



eldritchhobbit February 11 2015, 00:02:47 UTC
LOL! How fun! And clever. That would be a blast to play. Thanks for the link!


eldritchhobbit February 11 2015, 00:01:27 UTC
I think the CFP was referring to classical antiquity, as in Rome or Greece, as opposed to classics of any era, but your point is well taken anyway!


sittingduck1313 February 11 2015, 13:26:27 UTC
In that case, one of the most obvious titles would be Cross the Stars by David Drake, a retelling of the Odyssey in his Hammer's Slammers setting. A bit less obvious is Dune. While the setting trappings may be overtly Arabic, Paul's story plays out like a classic Greek tragedy.


eldritchhobbit February 22 2015, 19:21:20 UTC
Sweet! Well spotted.


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