Things That Have Happend Of Late

Jun 21, 2010 22:12


I lucked out into a ticket for Wil Wheaton's nerdvana tour of comedy and music when one of star5's friends sadly could not make it, due to a back injury. I don't know if it was the greatest show I ever saw or whatever, but there was just something about being in a crowded theater in which everyone in attendance is on exactly the same page. I haven't even gotten that same vibe of unity from CONvergence. A pretty remarkable evening.


The usual annual walking tour of Nordeast, Downtown, and Uptown Minneapolis, with frequent stops for beer. I got a little cranky at the three-quarters mark, when I couldn't get waitstaff to notice me at either the Local or Brit's. I can get huge mood swings when I'm hungry. It's pretty much impossible for me to be in a good mood, or to be civil even to my closest friends. Throw in a sense of invisibility and I'm not fit for human consumption. So I just sort of checked out at Joe's Garage, when straight to a table by myself and got a burger. I needed it desperately, and my mood stabilized pretty quickly. So my apologies to anyone if I glared at you. Another great day. Weather was just perfect for this sort of a thing, and I had some fine conversation with people I never get to talk to. Oh, and next year I'm leaving my damn shoulder bag at home. There's no sense lugging all that bottle water and crap around with me. It's easy enough to grab that stuff on the way.


My work slows down almost to a dead stop in the summer, so I'm just kind of sitting around trying to look busy. Both of my immediate supervisors are gone for the week, so the slowness is kind of ridiculous. There's some talk about reorganizing me into a different subgroup within admissions. Basically, I'd be working specifically with the coordinators, and not so much with the representatives. I won't explain what that means because it is very boring. This may be a good thing, as I will have a more specific role. And my yearly review is coming up in a couple of weeks, so this could be a comparatively big time for me.


My ear felt funny again, so I went to Minute Clinic, thinking I had another infection. Nope. I have something called otitis externa, which near as I can figure is fancy doctor speak for "too much earwax clogging up your ear hole and making it all sore and shit." I'm just one of those people who produces more wax than usual, so I need to go to a nurse every six months and get my ears cleaned out by a pro. It's such a piddly, lame health problem to have. I don't know whether to be embarrassed or disappointed. But hey, it's a lot better than a brain tumor.

There's been this thing where I become exceptionally exhausted in the afternoons. I think it's just the boredom of slow work days plus caffeine crashing, but the intensity is notable. It would hurt to eat better and drink a bit less coffee.

I've also been about as stiff and sore as I've ever been. I'm trying to get a massage regularly, but that gets pricey. I have one scheduled for the morning of July 1st, right before CONvergence. I figured I should go into the weekend as gelled as possible.


At a low ebb. Con time always sucks the funds out of me. There's so much going on this time of year. I'm trying to figure out how to minimize my spending for the next two weeks.


Every so often, I sit down with the intention of making a wish list of all the house projects I need to do. Sort of a ten year plan. And every time I get way too freaked to even start making the list. It'd help if I knew how to do this shit on my own, and if there was some way of doing it by myself. It doesn't look too good that any of the urgent stuff will get done this summer, what with the Fringe Festival and all. I just have to hope nothing explodes over the winter.


...I don't know. Nothing is happening, but it doesn't seem as dire and hopeless as it used to. I'm able to talk to women without mumbling with reasonable consistency. Maybe that's most of it.


I need to crack down and re-memorize MacBeth: The Video Game Remix, as we will be performing it Friday night at 7:30. Also, a second comedy bit I was tagged for has been canceled, for various cat herding type reasons. I'm relieved to have one less thing to worry about. And I'm throwing together my first ever costume. It's a pretty lame, minimalistic sort of costume, but it's one I'm uniquely qualified to pull off.


Still doing Six Ring Circus, roughly every other Tuesday night at the Brave New Workshop. Seriously, you guys should try and make it. It's all of one dollar, and it's a darn fun evening. I'll also be doing Improv-A-Go-Go with a couple other people on July 18th and 25th, and August 1st. And I haven't started rehearsing for the Fringe yet, but that should take up most of my time after CONvergence.


Life's been pretty good, actually.

acting, i like my job, homeowner, friends, performing, convergence, health, theater

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