Work slowed down to a near dead stop, just as my non-work life suddenly picked up. My job is heavily tied to the high school year, so everything I do goes away for the holidays, plus a few days. But my theatrical pursuits, which had gone dormant, woke up. Plus there's the rush to get the overly delayed MISFITs Trivia Contest together, and voila! I'm having the busiest January in recent years. Boy, do I appreciate the day job slow down right now.
biscuitpig and myself are doing After The Party again. We had a guest slot for the Vilification Tennis show on January 3rd, plus an Improv-A-Go-Go slot a day later. We've got one more IAGG show, next Sunday, January 11th. So that's us, plus a bunch of other excellent improv, all for one lousy buck at the Brave New Workshop, 8:00 PM.
I've also been cast in Master Works: The Museum of Bad Art Plays, which is being produced by Commedia Beauregard. Yep, that's the same company that did the Klingon Christmas Carol a couple weeks ago. An evening of six one-act plays, all based on terrible works of art. My segment is being directed by
purplesquirrel. A different segment was written by Bill Corbett, of MST3K fame. It's at the Bryant-Lake Bowl, every Sunday from January 18th through February 8th, at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $15, or $12 in advance or with a Fringe button. I hope people come to this one. I'm playing... quite a different part from what I usually play.
Somewhere in there, I've got to write trivia contest questions (which involves watching and/or reading various assorted media), and burn a DVD of our After The Party performance so we've got something to submit to the Twin Cities Improv Festival. The deadline for that is the 15th. Throw in some long overdue housework, and grocery and clothes shopping, and my time is rather compressed. But I'm enjoying it, which is a somewhat unusual experience for me.