I had a nice couple of days, both of which involved fire pits. One was
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sithlet's housewarming party, which involved seeing a bunch of people I don't see much, and a lot of Rock Band 2. The other was a quieter gathering at
dewey921's place for grilling and Salad Bowl. I found myself regretting the wood smoke exposure a bit, as Sunday evening left me with a not inconsiderable sore throat. But as I retired early, strangely exhausted, and had a long miserable night of nightmares and discomfort, I realized it wasn't wood smoke exposure but my first full-blown head cold of the year. Damn, it came early. I almost called in sick today, but as one of my other co-workers also called in sick, it was a good thing I didn't. We're still backed up something fierce.
So I haven't done much but eat soup and experience my least favorite illness symptom of all, the sore throat. Christ, they suck.
And hey, Washington Mutual went boom. Guess which company my home loan was through? I'm only mildly perturbed about that. I'm sure J.P. Morgan will be overjoyed to cash my checks.
I checked out the Rock Star Storyteller's show at the BLB last Tuesday. They're trying to find ways to jam a bunch of storytellers into an hour show, which is a creative decision I don't envy. I definitely don't like the format of three audience judges voting on which storytellers get to continue. There's all sorts of interesting stories that just stop, because these three people don't like some thematic choice or other, and who knows if and when I'll ever get to see them finished. Anyway, the Rock Stars are going to be at Kieran's a week from Tuesday. I might check them out again.
I love autumn, but it hit kind of hard and sudden this year. There was a bunch of household projects I kept putting off, because of CONvergence, the Fringe, and my own damn laziness. Now it's too cold and wet to do them. Feh. Maybe another winter's worth of damage won't be too bad.