Jan 25, 2008 14:47
...not just with the day, but the week, the month...wait! The whole YEAR! LOL!
The weather is quirky to say the least. Today it has been glorious. Some really lovely, warm and even periodically (gasp) sunny weather. Mostly though, warm goes with gray. I don't mind, I just love the spring FEEL of it!
BUT it can't last. Anyone who has lived up here knows that can't happen. Nope, weatherman predicts an artic blast rushing in here. Great joy.
Meanwhile, back at the computer :) I am happy to report I have (bless you all!) ordered a new hard drive for the poor old computer and it should arrive in a week to ten days. Hubby says I should then take the computer to the Geek Squad and let them install it and all the disks required to get this baby up and running again. But, since head Geek told me 'any idiot' could put a new hard drive on my computer (it is right there on the back) and then just stick the disks in one after another and follow the prompts... AND that, in the event I prove to be 'any idiot', I could then bring it in and he would bail me out...I think maybe I will attempt this feat myself. I will update when the ominous event draws nigh.
Writing, temporarily, is reduced to hair pulling and gnashing of teeth. The kids have schedules that fill every moment of the day. The story has developed a mind of its own (and worse, a whiny personality, lol) My faithful readers refuse to allow me to kill off the offending character (they seem to like her!) so I must muddle forward in an effort to get her out of this chapter before she is reduced to a weeping puddle (ick) and before my lovely hero gets any more depressed (prob from being around her) They are lucky the weather at least is on their side....that snow storm comes, all bets are off.
The girls were measured yesterday at the doctor's...Dominique is 5' and 98 lbs, Daisha 5'3" and 200 lbs! Told her pediatrician for years this child needed help with her weight...maybe NOW someone will listen to me? (and worse, it is Nikki who eats like a truckdriver, and Daisha is picky, loves salads, not half the eater of little sister)
Speaking of which, time to check the pork roast. Have a good weekend!