
Apr 09, 2010 19:32

The child is right, I should really be making a better effort at writing here. And I should also learn to look over the things I post twice; that video caused quite an uproar. I'm pretty sure everyone's past it now, but it was just a mess at the time ( Read more... )

kanna, worldhopping, caron, rose, magic lessons, going visiting, vacation from the vacation, trips

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crackpotcrocker April 9 2010, 22:33:44 UTC

Oh, I see you know, Rose.


elderfrahma April 10 2010, 03:05:20 UTC
Oh, hello there dear. I'm not certain we've met; I'm Charle Frahma.

Yes I am a 'Wingly', a magic-using winged species here on Endiness. And I've known Rosie since she was a teen; we're from the same world you see. It's always nice to meet a friend of hers on here!


crackpotcrocker April 10 2010, 15:56:17 UTC
Hello. No, we haven't. I'm Mr. Crocker.

You're this 'Wingly'?! But if that's so, where are your wings?

.... Um, me and her.. We're not exactly... Friends. As you put it.


elderfrahma April 10 2010, 16:21:11 UTC
Yes, I am one of many Winglies.
And they're created by magic dear: Winglies fly on wings of light. We don't have them all the time because they're tiring to use.

... Rose can be difficult to get along with at times, but she's always been fair. Have you done anything to annoy her?


He's trying so hard to lie ;) crackpotcrocker April 10 2010, 17:00:48 UTC
Of course they're created by magic. FAIRIES!

...Well... Yes... I mean -


Ouch. You're lucky she thinks the best of people. elderfrahma April 10 2010, 17:26:27 UTC
Fairies? Ah, you're familiar with the stories from Mille Seseau I take it. I hear some of the people of Furni still call the Winglies from the forest Fairies.

You shouldn't antagonize her dear, she doesn't take such things well. She only puts up with me because we've known each other for several millennia. Do try and let her do her own thing; she's rather live-and-let-live otherwise.


He is a villain he just gets an 'F' in lying :) crackpotcrocker April 10 2010, 19:00:00 UTC
Actually, I was referring to the ones - FAIRIES here.
No, can't say I have heard the stories of 'Mille Seseau'
Care to explain?

[Nervous laugh] Found that out the hard way.
Well, we haven't spoken really since. Mmm, that's supising she actually puts up with anybody.


That's alright, she gets an 'F' in hating bad guys elderfrahma April 10 2010, 19:33:09 UTC
Oh, you have fairies in your world? I assume that means you have some kind of magic as well...

Mille Seseau is a country in Endiness, where they took place. Basically Winglies living in the woods sparked stories of winged, magical creatures, and since most had forgotten our race's existence they were called fairies. It's since been sorted out, but the name persists.

She's lived a long time, it helps put things in perspective at least. I do sometimes wish I hadn't had to make her that choker though; the spell of immortality is not kind to its users.


XD crackpotcrocker April 10 2010, 21:49:27 UTC
Yes, I do. Not that anyone else here believes me but I know they're real. No, I don't have any magic of my own. I can smell magic but I don't have any of my own. I'm a Fairy researcher. FAIRIES!

Mmmm, interesting.

So, that's where she got that choker that allows her to 'world hop'


elderfrahma April 11 2010, 06:09:04 UTC
You can sense magic without being able to use it? That's a rare gift dear. How goes the research?

Yes, she asked for that as well.


crackpotcrocker April 11 2010, 21:29:02 UTC
Yes. It is? Mm, I thought with the multi verse that would be more common.
Well, good. Despite my lack of physical evidence. Which is apparntly the only way, anyone in my world will ever believe me.

Mmm, fascinating. I wonder what are princples of that magic.


You've pinged her magic-nerding side elderfrahma April 12 2010, 05:38:34 UTC
If my own world is anything to judge by, usually the one comes with the other dear. I hadn't thought it might be different elsewhere...

That's good to hear. What sort of evidence would you need?

There's centuries worth of work on those alone; if you ever have a few days I'd be more than happy to explain them to you.

It's nice to find someone else interested in pan-dimensional magical mechanics.


Awesome sauce and he has no social life cant you tell? xD crackpotcrocker April 14 2010, 01:47:10 UTC
Well, there's always the possibly. Magic is like that.

Pyshical proof.

Centuries?! Afraid, I don't have that time. Wait, are you a magic researcher as well? Well, that makes three of us.
Actually, outside of my teaching job. I'm pretty much free. So, I suppose whenever you're available.

Well, I 'dip' my hands in it. Maybe, one day I'll figure out 'world hoppin'. Although, my work is more focused at home and contrasting different types of - FAIRIES!


... It's kinda scary how well they can get along if they try elderfrahma April 14 2010, 07:34:06 UTC
I'm sure you'll come across something to convince them, dear, it's just a matter of time.

Well, it does have quite a history on my world, and being able to use magic certainly helps. And yes, I always did enjoy theory more than practical use.
What is it you teach dear?

I'm just starting myself, so there's no need to be shy. I've also been too focused on my own world to think about it much before now.


Yes, yes it is :) but then she's being gentle crackpotcrocker April 16 2010, 22:04:37 UTC
Yes, just a matter of time. I've already have an idea how to convince them all finally.

Mmm, how interserting. Can't say a lot of people enjoy the theory of magic.
Um, Social Studies, Math, Language Arts, and Science.

Oh? What worlds have you investigated so far? Yeah, well, I spent thirty years of my life on one subject. FAIRIES! And understanding the ones here.

Unfortunately, I don't think I could spend that on his comm and on it all exactly works.
Besides, I have yet to even invent something to trace the magic of this place though cyber space. Not that I can go though cyberspace on my own. I'd need a world hopper but that's besides the point.


Gentle's her middle name elderfrahma April 17 2010, 08:01:20 UTC
That's the spirit.

Yes, it's rare here too. I only know a few people I can talk to at length about it at all.

Very well-rounded subjects, do you find it difficult to teach such a range?

I've my life's experience here on Endiness between Wingly, Dragon, Dragoon, and natural magic, and I've recently been working on the mechanics of Kanna's world. I also know that the dear Jak's world involves a magic-like power called Eco, but haven't had the chance to hear much more yet. As I said, I'm just getting started.

It's understandable to want to focus on your current projects dear; I've just run through mine several centuries ago and like having something constructive to do. I would certainly be interested in hearing about your research as it progresses though.


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