
Apr 09, 2010 19:32

The child is right, I should really be making a better effort at writing here. And I should also learn to look over the things I post twice; that video caused quite an uproar. I'm pretty sure everyone's past it now, but it was just a mess at the time ( Read more... )

kanna, worldhopping, caron, rose, magic lessons, going visiting, vacation from the vacation, trips

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fearthehuszarok April 9 2010, 11:54:33 UTC
W-wingly village?

But I thought- I

I'm sorry, your writing has left me a little confused. I... think I've spent a little time on your world during a particular virus, but there was a great war going on at the time. I take it this is not so for you?


elderfrahma April 9 2010, 12:05:22 UTC
Ah, I didn't know someone was put here during something like that. Was it the Dragon Campaign dear? It's the biggest war in history, and one of the few I know much of anything about I'm afraid.
If it was, I'd understand your surprise; Winglies and Humans were not on good terms then.


fearthehuszarok April 9 2010, 12:14:17 UTC
We certainly weren't on good terms... well, some of them helped us gain the Dragoon Spirits I suppose, so there must have been exceptions.
How much time has passed since then?


elderfrahma April 9 2010, 12:31:01 UTC
Well, that would explain things. You might remember me from that time then, if it kept to our version of events. I brought Wingly support to the Human rebellion, and helped develop the magic of the Dragoons, though it was only after the war that I got a good grasp of the Human language.

If not, my name is Charle Frahma and I assure you it is a pleasure to meet you. It's been roughly 11,000 years since the war child, and the scars are starting to heal.


fearthehuszarok April 9 2010, 12:48:03 UTC
Oh, yes I do remember you. Though I didn't interact with you much, with the language barrier being what it is...

I am Elizabeta Hédervary. During my time on your world, I was the Jade Dragoon- it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance properly.

I'm glad to hear that things have been getting better since then.


elderfrahma April 9 2010, 14:28:46 UTC
Then I'm certain we'll get along swimmingly; the original Jade Dragoon was a friend of Miata, my interpreter and good friend.

There have been ups and downs along the way dear, but overall I'm pleased with how far things have come. Hardship's unavoidable, but we have fared well over the centuries.


fearthehuszarok April 9 2010, 14:35:37 UTC
Oh, so the dragoon Spirits really choose by character? I wasn' aware.

Well that's good. I know how it is, every now and then someone comes along and causes trouble. How exactly did the war end? I wasn't around for the conclusion of it all.


elderfrahma April 9 2010, 15:04:46 UTC
It's a theory I've toyed with off and on, but it was only recently I had the chance to get to know new Dragoons. There are enough parallels that I certainly believe it.

I'm... glad you weren't around dear. The Humans won, but all but one of the Dragoons were lost. Diaz's death was also a blow, and the years following were tough on everyone. Winglies were suspected of foul-play, and we thought it best to disappear for a while. And then there was... but I'm getting ahead of myself, I'm sure you don't want to hear the entire history. Just know Melbu Frahma's reign ended, the races of Endiness were freed, and we've come to the point now where we all can start living in peace. Even if some of them don't seem to want to.


Thank you, LJ, for not giving me this notif. fearthehuszarok April 13 2010, 23:55:20 UTC
Hmm. Well, I suppose it makes sense. I mean, they are still spirits... they'd want to get along with the person in question.

We were They were all-
I... see. Well, I am glad that all this fighting at least brough freedom, even if it was at a terrible cost. Peace, I have come to know, is something that only lasts until the next people starts trouble. 'Tis a sad thing, but hardly deniable.


It has been rather good at that lately elderfrahma April 14 2010, 06:58:57 UTC
There will always be conflict in the world dear, it's the price of living by our own choices. But know that I will do everything in my power to keep war the likes of the Dragon Campaign from ever happening again.

I'm sure there are people in your world who feel the same.


...I noticed... :| fearthehuszarok April 14 2010, 09:40:48 UTC
I know, I know.
I'm glad there are people in Endiness who try to keep the peace.



LJ o9 elderfrahma April 14 2010, 10:32:48 UTC
No one really wants such sad things dear, so I'm sure they're around. They might not have my resources though, so they may seem smaller than they really are.

Did you happen to meet Rosie when you were here? She was our Darkness Dragoon, and had quite the sparks with dear Zieggy.


fearthehuszarok April 15 2010, 19:17:17 UTC
I will see if I can find any of them.

I... did not. Maybe the person who was originally the Jade Dragoon moved to fill her spot? I think she was on another world as well for the duration of that virus. But I did encounter Zieg!


elderfrahma April 16 2010, 04:15:21 UTC
I must admit, picturing Syuveil as anything but the Jade is hard but it could have been I guess. I'd hate to see what would have come after without her there, though.

He certainly is memorable. Did you two get along dear?


fearthehuszarok April 16 2010, 09:27:23 UTC
I'm not sure... this virus changed things quite a bit. I wish I'd known her back then.

We did get along fairly well, yes. ...even if he had his obnoxious moments.


elderfrahma April 16 2010, 12:24:46 UTC
I wish I'd known her better then, myself. We only became close after the war the Dragoons Zieg everything.

He was quite a character, but his eyes were always on the future. I'm sure he helped give direction to many with his passion.

I suppose I should warn you dear, Rosie and Zieggy were engaged in our past so you might want to keep that in mind if you talk to her.


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