
Mar 31, 2010 15:16

[Video clicks on to Charle and Caron grounded in a scrubland at night, the odd sickly-looking tree silhouette in the background. They are lit by a slightly greenish glow, and both look exhausted. Caron's expression is equal parts worry and wariness and Charle is failing miserably at keeping her calm facade, her small smile slipping repeatedly. She is facing the viewer, camera obscura clutched nervously in both hands, and her companion is a little to the side and in profile. As the recording starts they both start walking, Caron quickly leaving frame to take the lead.]

Well, I haven't been able to be around much and I wouldn't want anyone to worry, I'm looking at you Kanna dear, so I thought I'd let anyone who happens by this know that I - we're doing alright. We've decided to hold off on visiting the Wingly village until all this settles down, so we're looking for a place to wait it out now. Caron's being a sweetheart and watching out for me, so please don't fret.

[She pauses a moment and looks around quickly, then faces forward once more, knuckles completely white from tension. She gives a watery smile.]

I suppose that's about it for now. I'll do more when I can.

[Releasing her grip with one hand Charle gestures imperiously and the video zooms forward until it rests in her free hand, view now out past her thumb and into the darkness. It pitches a moment as she fiddles with it one-handed. Suddenly things go very still, she's stopped walking, and a ragged breath can be heard shortly after.]


[The view lurches as the device drops from nerveless fingers. As it hits the ground the video cuts.]


[Audio cuts out]

fatal frame, brother dearest, icanseedeadpeople, caron, worst vacation ever, trips

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