It's a webcomic hosted on tumblr, which is an efficient way to gather a fanbase, I grant you

Mar 01, 2016 20:55

OK, I don't know a single person in Check, Please! fandom, which is unfortunate.

It's a webcomic, it's written by a woman who is clearly comfortable with fandom tropes, it's about a made-up men's college-league hockey team, it starts a Bittle, pie-baking southern boy who plays hockey (it is strongly implied he took it up because his father -- a football coach -- wasn't too pleased when he was getting really good at figure skating) and his whole hockey team.

There is also another boy on the team, who is drop-dead gorgeous, a doofusball and an angst FACTORY. (READ THIS. TRUST ME.)

Everyone, naturally, shipped them. The AO3 section was pretty healthy! Despite (or perhaps because of) lapses in updating.




and then!


OMG OMG OMG! Yes, she hinted that they were going to be a couple but Jack has given NO SIGNS THAT HE DRIVES STICK, OK? OK.

And the author typically puts up commentary after she posts and I have been waiting DAYS WITH NO ONE TO TALK TO. DAYS.

Ugh, why did I ever decide to get into sports, it's really getting me into weird fandom spaces.

(This entry is also posted on Feel free to comment on either site. Although my dreamwidth background has space! Spaaaace!)

fandom: hockey, fandom: check please

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