I would like to write/finish some HP fic before the play, so...

Feb 23, 2016 17:37

So I logged back into my fanfiction.net account

OMG I WAS SUCH A SNOT. I accidentally tripped on my old reviews on other people's fic (see: Thing Two) and I am MORTIFIED. *dies a little inside*

I GOT A FIC REVIEW LAST WEEK!!! On an old, still unfinished, marauder-era HP fic.

It literally reads: "Hey, how about that, it's been twelve years since you've updated (12 yEARS IN AZKABAN). I was could barely talk when you posted this. Anyway, I know you'll never read this and have possibly forgotten about this story all together but I hope you're doing well & are happy
- Martha"

I have NO IDEA what to do with that! Does Martha want me to finish? Is she just hoping I'm still alive? HI MARTHA! I AM ALIVE! I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN THIS STORY!

I actually have had an end for that fic sketched out since I started it, although I never dragged myself back to finish it. Hilariously, it has more reviews on its unfinished, unbetaed mess than I think any single fic I have written since.

Hey, at least I know Beth (reviewed in May, 2015) wants me to finish! Hi, Beth!

(This entry is also posted on Dreamwidth.org. Feel free to comment on either site. Although my dreamwidth background has space! Spaaaace!)

fandom: harry potter

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