James McAvoy's Face

May 15, 2014 19:18

Ok, before I say anything else!

1 - I've read very, very few X-Men comic books. Certainly never read Days of Future Past. (XMEN COMICS ARE THE MOST TWISTED LABYRINTH DISASTER AREA OF STORYTELLING HOLY MOLY.)

2 - I've not seen the original X-trilogy movies in a while. (I'm putting this up before my rewatch on purpose.)

3 - I've only seen the X- ( Read more... )

fandom: x-men

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pocky_slash May 16 2014, 00:10:08 UTC
Those are totally legitimate fears/frustrations! I have a lot of frustrations myself, though some of mine are a little different than yours, probably because you haven't read the DoFP comics XD (It's only a two issue arc, if you're interested in picking it up.)

My two main issues personally are 1) that they're taking a story that's THE STORY about a young Jewish girl and making it about goddamn Wolverine; 2) that they've eliminated almost all the ladies and added more dudes.

However, I would say that most of the fandom has had the same fears that you have over the past few years and I totally understand you feeling that way. XMFC def established itself as completely separate from the original X-trilogy and seeing it cross back over with the original films a) annoys the part of me who's obsessed with canon and will pick at how it DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE CONNECTED TO THE OTHERS and b) irritates me on the level that XMFC was basically designed to fail, and when it did really well, now suddenly everyone at Fox cares about it!

But, if it helps your peace of mind any, from what I've gathered, the "future" bits with the old cast are a minimal part of the movie and the focus is on the "past" cast. Also, there have been a few Raven + Charles clips released, and the Sirs have said that this is probably their last X-movie, which makes me think that Apocalypse is going to def be only about the XMFC cast. So....idk.

Mostly I'm just REALLY EXCITED that we're getting a movie that's about Charles' character arc and dealing with his disability and Erik's betrayal and Raven leaving and all of that. SO EXCITED.

But I really, really, really miss Moira :(


eldarwannabe May 16 2014, 02:34:39 UTC
(Huh, two issues? About Kitty, probably? NOW I'm interested.)

See, I almost feel like if it was about Shadowcat, I would be way more forgiving. She hasn't starred in five X-men movies already! (THEY HAVEN'T EVEN CAST HER CONSISTENTLY.) But the old dudes would still bother me, probably.


XMFC def established itself as completely separate from the original X-trilogy

YES. And I love it. Singer did some great stuff, but he was off the title, and I want the team that did First Class again. And I was willing to forgive all the plot errors because I assumed walking out the theater DAY ONE that this was OBVIOUSLY a slightly different X-universe. ARGH.

I didn't know that it was such a sleeper hit! I assumed everyone knew it would be awesome. Ugh Holywood jumping on successes without always knowing WHY they were successful.

And yes that does help my peace of mind! I really just want to wallow in follow-up from the first movie fallout so if they can just give us lots of that I'll be happier. A surprise Moira appearance would make me even more happy! (Hey, I can live in hope!)


pocky_slash May 16 2014, 02:46:46 UTC
Yup! It's totally about Kitty! This was her big breakout event, not long after she joined the team. It was during the Claremont years and it's one of those stories that's universally loved, so I'd def recommend reading it if you get a chance. I really love the Claremont era.

I understand, logically, that Wolverine sells movie tickets, but I'm still SO ANGRY when I think about him being the time traveler. UGH. I thought that even if they didn't use Kitty, they would hopefully go with Mystique since Jennifer Lawrence is such a big name now, but alas >:(

I didn't know that it was such a sleeper hit! I assumed everyone knew it would be awesome.
SO, the story of XMFC is that Fox had the movie rights for X-Men and Marvel was itching to get them back, so Fox had to put a rush on a new X-Men movie just as they were on the cusp of expiring. They rushed the script for XMFC (which shows in the ending) and never expected it to do very well or cared if it did well at all, as long as it meant Fox could keep the rights, but surprise! They hired a great cast and got two charismatic, insanely talented leads and the girl who was on the cusp of becoming Hollywood's BFF, and magically had a hit movie.

I've not read any spoilers, per se, but from how I've heard the scriptwriters/McAvoy talking about it, a lot of it is a wallow and it's Charles who is wallowing, so I'm pretty pumped. I guess we'll see for sure on Thursday. UGH I CAN'T WAIT. I have no idea how I'm going to drive home from the movie at one in the morning with all the feelings I'm likely to have.

Re: Moira: I WANT NOTHING MORE THAN MORE AWESOME CIA MOIRA. Like, still putting her in all my fic all the time, still writing the third No Yesterdays story, still making her the best because SHE IS and I'm really pissed they didn't bring her back >:(


eldarwannabe May 16 2014, 16:36:15 UTC
You're going to get me to read X-Men comics, aren't you?

I mean, I'm still re-watching the movies, but Wolverine doesn't even make sense as the time traveler, does he? Odds of him bumping into himself are 100% higher than ANYONE BORN AFTER 1965 OR SO. :\

I didn't know it was a movie made just to keep the rights! (Or maybe I did and forgot. I knew it about the Spiderman movies…) How did they get such an awesome cast? And now, having them, why can't they just focus more on them? Pffffft.

I won't be able to see the movie for a few weeks, so I'll probably have to avoid the internet for a while and then suddenly comment EVERYWHERE. Yes, that is what is going to happen.

GOOD LUCK GETTING BACK FROM THE MOVIE. An alternate plan is to go to a 24/7 coffee shop and dissect the movie in it's entirety with other people. AKA the thing I would have done after midnight LotR: RotK if my ride hadn't been leaving.

I actually can't understand why they didn't bring Moira back. She was a pretty well-realized character for such a large ensemble cast and her ending was so rushed and something that just cries out for follow-up. (Also, by kicking her out Charles made his new school officially all white men and NO CHARLES. FAIL.)

More Yesterdays? YAY!!


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