I'm baaaaaack.
It's freezing up here and I am sunburnt and covered in mosquito bites. Sorry, body. You'll get used to it.
I decided to clean out my deak-area to give me an organized space in which to figure out my job application process and write a stunning law school personal statement so I can make my life perfect, but instead it means I am now swimming in papers. Papers! Everywhere!
And I found a post-it note with the words "Lisa used to borrow Ianto's shirts to wear around the apt." which is clearly supposed to be a fic idea, but for the life of me I can neither remember writing it nor where it was supposed to be going. Argh.
Other than that, I have some Outsiders fic, sketches from my dead-in-the-water webcomic, and 20 copies of my old resume. Oh! And my drawings for the Legion of Superheroes reimagined as a shonen fighting manga. I MAINTAIN THAT THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN AWESOME.
I did find the list of ideas for
torchwood_salon posts! Hopefully I'll get right on those. After I can find my desk again. It's somewhere under the papers...
(This entry is also posted on
Dreamwidth.org. Feel free to
comment on either site. Although my dreamwidth background has space! Spaaaace!)