"ComicsAlliance Presents The 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics"

Feb 16, 2013 20:08

I have never felt so shallow. It's like I'm reading the People Magazine of comic books or something, but WHO CARES.

Comics Alliance has picked the 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics!

Roy as #50 seems a little low but then I found out this list is post-52 so who knows what's going on. I'm a pre-52 sort of fan.

Rei Kashino at #45 was a pleasant surprise! I mean, he's higher than Batman. But I've always found Bruce far more intimidating than sexy. Like Wolverine, who comes in at number 41.

And the Mars manga remains one of my top favorites. (WHY TOKYOPOP? WHY?)

On manga, why is L there? I mean, he's brilliant, which is attractive, but I see him as Sherlock-style asexual. Human emotions are things he dissects and studies, they seem to roll right past him for the most part. Which...isn't terribly attractive, for me at least.

Genjo was a good choice, though. Wow, this list has made me feel way better about my manga habits, which have been sadly lacking recently.

HAHAHA the Teahouse webcomic is on this list! HAHAHAHA.

Back to DC!

Superboy? I liked him better when his name was Kon, although I admit Conner is probably slightly sexier. But only if you like your teenagers confused and angsty. (Dammit, Tim.)

The mere fact that Catman is on this list is testament to Gail Simone's writing chops. A moment of silence in honor.

Although my Marvel/indie habits are still awful. Yes on Clint and Remy, but there were so many other comic book characters where I had no opinions whatsoever. Except Cap! I'M SUCH A CAPTAIN AMERICA FAN YOU GUYS. AND I DIDN'T SEE HIM ON THIS LIST. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE.

*goes back to check* Nope, not there. And Bigby is great but I'm all over Boy Blue. I don't really think of myself as having a type, but the tall, dark, muscular vigilante in the corner is not it. SMILE OCCASIONALLY, JEEZ.

So, Dick as a top choice was spot-on. No debate from me. ♥♥♥♥

(This entry is also posted on Dreamwidth.org. Feel free to comment on either site. Although my dreamwidth background has space! Spaaaace!)

fandom: comics, fandom: manga, fandom: marvel comics, fandom: dc comics

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