Do I know you? I just looked at your info page. What, you're going to post a question like that, and not even use your Malificent icon?? ;-)
I also don't know why you'd start with the preamble that this is totally crazy--obviously, I'm ALREADY totally crazy, so I'm either used to it, don't care, or won't notice.
Anywho, Diana's Grove is affiliated with the Reclaiming Tradition/Collective, which is, yes, mostly Wiccan. Is it to enhance powers? Yes. What sort of powers? All of them. If you are a writer, the Craft will (or can) help you enhance your powers to write. If you are psychic (which practically everyone is), it will help you develop your psychic powers. Are you a cook, a musician, a painter, a mathematician? Then the Craft, like any spiritual path, will uncover, quicken, and deepen your powers.
New teachings on meditation? There are new meditations and visualizations and meditation techniques that help to open you to many things, and there are people (like me) practicing that same old Zazen everyday--and it is, as it has always been, exactly the same, and completely different.
I don't know if that answer helps much, but the website is and you can also check out for some neat information. If you have any other questions, I would be happy to answer them as I am able.
Haha. Ok. Let's see if I can answer your questions.
One. You don't know me, at least not yet in this lifetime. But maybe, just maybe, we met in a previous life? I wouldn't be surprised if we had met. =)
Two. I saw your comment on electrichobbit's page. You wrote: "I'm strongly ambivalent about the hardware he's using, but I'd be pretty fascinated to see his playlist. A person's listening habits, like one's bookshelf, says a lot about one." What you said about a person's habits is what I say about a person's inner circle of friends. It motivated me enough to click on your profile and internet analyze you. Haha.
Then I read about your post on your travels and how you'll be staying at a Witch Camp. And then I thought, I wonder if they could enhance my powers. Like you said, "practically everyone is psychic", I wondered what I could do to develop mine. I also have some other powers, but we won't get into that right now.
As for Malificent, I haven't used her icon in a while. I've been lusting after Robert Pattinson for a bit now. What can I say? The Brits drive me mad.
Tell me more about Zazen? What are you looking for? What are you trying to do/achieve? How did you decide of just traveling and being budget free?
Ah, yeah--it's also true about a person's friends. The media they take in (the shows they watch, the movies, the music, the books), the food they eat, the friends they have--they're a result of who you are, and they also create who you are. Garbage in, garbage out.
Yeah, Robert Pattinson is hella foxy, for sure. I was bummed he played Cedric in HP, just because I wanted him to stick around longer. You know, for lust factor.
Here's some good information on Zazen, including my favourite Buddhist saying: "To study the Buddha Way is to study the self, to study the self is to forget the self, and to forget the self is to be enlightened by the ten thousand things." (Master Dogen)
I decided to travel because I like traveling and I'd stayed in one place too long, and I'm living low-budget/budget-free because I can't be bothered to spend a whole bunch of time trying to make money while I'm traveling. When money comes my way, you know, hallelujah, but I don't find money very easy to deal with. I'd just as soon know my needs will be met, that I am doing good work, and that I won't be paying taxes to help any assholes get rich, lock my friends up, and build bombs.
What I'm looking for, what I'm trying to achieve... these are my own concerns, and, to some extent, what I am seeking is the answers to the questions, and the means to their enactment. I seek power, and health, and peace, and love, and compassion, and wisdom, and I'm attempting to achieve heaven on earth. Does that work for you?
I wouldn't have minded if he was Oliver Wood, but I was bummed that they took his part out in the third movie. Asses.
I think that's the monastery my friend Jackee went to. She really liked it there. I believe she did a training there, but I don't remember how long it was. She said she had a great time though.
Any who, all of this has been fascinating. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. If you don't mind, I'd like to read more about your adventures at this witch camp, that is, if you're willing to continue to share.
Attempting to achieve heaven on earth. I like that.
Another question--that is, if you care to answer =)
What are your psychic abilities and what have you done to enhance them?
I also don't know why you'd start with the preamble that this is totally crazy--obviously, I'm ALREADY totally crazy, so I'm either used to it, don't care, or won't notice.
Anywho, Diana's Grove is affiliated with the Reclaiming Tradition/Collective, which is, yes, mostly Wiccan. Is it to enhance powers? Yes. What sort of powers? All of them. If you are a writer, the Craft will (or can) help you enhance your powers to write. If you are psychic (which practically everyone is), it will help you develop your psychic powers. Are you a cook, a musician, a painter, a mathematician? Then the Craft, like any spiritual path, will uncover, quicken, and deepen your powers.
New teachings on meditation? There are new meditations and visualizations and meditation techniques that help to open you to many things, and there are people (like me) practicing that same old Zazen everyday--and it is, as it has always been, exactly the same, and completely different.
I don't know if that answer helps much, but the website is and you can also check out for some neat information. If you have any other questions, I would be happy to answer them as I am able.
One. You don't know me, at least not yet in this lifetime. But maybe, just maybe, we met in a previous life? I wouldn't be surprised if we had met. =)
Two. I saw your comment on electrichobbit's page. You wrote: "I'm strongly ambivalent about the hardware he's using, but I'd be pretty fascinated to see his playlist. A person's listening habits, like one's bookshelf, says a lot about one." What you said about a person's habits is what I say about a person's inner circle of friends. It motivated me enough to click on your profile and internet analyze you. Haha.
Then I read about your post on your travels and how you'll be staying at a Witch Camp. And then I thought, I wonder if they could enhance my powers. Like you said, "practically everyone is psychic", I wondered what I could do to develop mine. I also have some other powers, but we won't get into that right now.
As for Malificent, I haven't used her icon in a while. I've been lusting after Robert Pattinson for a bit now. What can I say? The Brits drive me mad.
Tell me more about Zazen? What are you looking for? What are you trying to do/achieve? How did you decide of just traveling and being budget free?
Yeah, Robert Pattinson is hella foxy, for sure. I was bummed he played Cedric in HP, just because I wanted him to stick around longer. You know, for lust factor.
Here's some good information on Zazen, including my favourite Buddhist saying:
"To study the Buddha Way is to study the self, to study the self is to forget the self, and to forget the self is to be enlightened by the ten thousand things." (Master Dogen)
I decided to travel because I like traveling and I'd stayed in one place too long, and I'm living low-budget/budget-free because I can't be bothered to spend a whole bunch of time trying to make money while I'm traveling. When money comes my way, you know, hallelujah, but I don't find money very easy to deal with. I'd just as soon know my needs will be met, that I am doing good work, and that I won't be paying taxes to help any assholes get rich, lock my friends up, and build bombs.
What I'm looking for, what I'm trying to achieve... these are my own concerns, and, to some extent, what I am seeking is the answers to the questions, and the means to their enactment. I seek power, and health, and peace, and love, and compassion, and wisdom, and I'm attempting to achieve heaven on earth. Does that work for you?
I wouldn't have minded if he was Oliver Wood, but I was bummed that they took his part out in the third movie. Asses.
I think that's the monastery my friend Jackee went to. She really liked it there. I believe she did a training there, but I don't remember how long it was. She said she had a great time though.
Any who, all of this has been fascinating. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. If you don't mind, I'd like to read more about your adventures at this witch camp, that is, if you're willing to continue to share.
Attempting to achieve heaven on earth. I like that.
Another question--that is, if you care to answer =)
What are your psychic abilities and what have you done to enhance them?
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