Dec 05, 2008 15:36
So, I have big news.
It was a long summer of traveling, and I hit Austin, Tx, Nat'l Rainbow Gathering (in Big Sandy Wyoming), Boulder/Denver, the Zuni Mountain Radical Faerie Sanctuary, Tempe Arizona, San Diego California, Arcata, Eureka, and McKinleyville California, and the Bay Area--I stayed in West Oakland. I've been back to visit my Mother's folks in central Texas, and I've had a whirlwind of a time here in Norman.
Now, this whole voluntarily homeless, unemployed wandering traveler scene has been pretty swell so far, but I've been getting ready for a break. So ready that various notions of going back to school came back on the radar, some pretty heavily. However, I've found a seasonal solution that might just work out a little better for me.
I'm going to winter in the woods of Missouri, near Salem. I'll be at Diana's Grove, which is like a church camp for Witches, helping to take care of their very large no-kill dog rescue programme. That's right. I'm going to be a Dog-herding Witch in the hills of Missouri this winter. I guess you can call me Dianus.
Anyway, I'll be in a private, heated, internet-connected cabin in the woods, a bunch of dogs, my books, and about half a dozen Witches. It'll be pretty intense, and pretty amazing. I'm working in exchange for room and board, so my basic needs will be met, and I won't have to worry myself with budgeting or such things, and will have privacy and separation from the lovely social swirl I've found here in Nompton.
I feel like I leveled up quite a bit this summer, and I see this winter as shaping up very well to further my growth in those very wintry ways of quieting down, going with in, resting deep.
I'll also have my Very Own Space for several months on end! After couchsurfing for *months*, that excites me greatly.