Thou shalt not mock others for their strange hobbies.
Awesome video. I don't agree that it necessarily must've been the way Stonehenge was made (we are, again, really fucking clever monkeys, and I am pretty much certain must be other ways), but it is a good possibility, and a hell of a lot more credible than "aliens did it for us".
What cunning apes we are.
Although, given the number of vintage henges that exist, I dislike the name the goofy guy suggests. I think "Wally's Cementhenge" is more precisely descriptive, if less glamorous.
And I strongly recommend typing "Erik Satie" on Pandora. Yum yum.
Ok, one more thing. Go check out
this LJ entry--more importantly, the video on it. It's good for about how a dozen LOLs. The Onion addresses our sad straying from the real meaning of Halloween. I do, honestly, hate how such a holy occasion has become so commercialized (though I love the madness and debauchery, even when I don't feel like participating), and it's also a hilarious spoof of the war on Christmas.