So, I've been in a bit of a media and internet blackout lately. I don't like what I'm hearing.
First, Naomi Wolf is crying "coup", since the US Army is apparently being
domestically deployed, and under the Defense Authorization Act 2006, they can get away with an utterly unreasonable amount of shit
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Also, HE is the Commander-in-Chief, it is obvious that he, and not congress, controls where the military goes and what it does--he has substantial power to declare martial law, has shown to consider himself above the law, and, in the new bailout bill, he's meant to have a $100 billion discretionary fund.
Yes, he's wildly unpopular, for painfully obvious reasons. It's hard for me to imagine he'd attempt any sort of coup at this point, and I'm more inclined to think he's hoping to hand the coup machine over to McCain/Palin (also for obvious reasons)... which doesn't mean they'd need to WIN the election, just that they'd need to steal it for the third consecutive time. This time, though, I don't think they'd get the media support to get away with it.
Really, I'm less worried about a coup, and more worried about a failed coup. I also think it's important to remember that very, very many people are completely alienated from the reality we inhabit, living in a universe filled with evil conspiracies against them courtesy of Jews and scientists and homosexuals and other such contemptible persons and really just behave however antisocially they want, in God's name. Those people often aren't interested in freedom (other than the freedom to practice their religion and others very close to it) or other people's liberties or US standing in the world community or ecology or even really economics. Many of them are consciously trying to hasten armageddon so Jesus will come back, fuck all the shit up, and fix it again, or they are trying to establish a white-bread, sterilized and terrifying theocracy here on Earth so Jesus will fly down in His saucer and rule over us. I mean, yeah, peace on Earth, Christ in charge--it is a good goal, but the means by which they pursue it are questionable, at best.
Of course, I'm not talking about all members of any faith community--merely those to whom these comments apply.
And, yes, I think the religiousness is sincere--I think there certainly are elites who use faith to sway the masses and do their thing, but I am just as certain that many of them are sincere, which is even scarier, because their version of the game doesn't even have a calculus for rational self-interest. Sincere, profound, committed, and sane religious models exist, but unfortunately those people aren't running things.
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