So, I've been in a bit of a media and internet blackout lately. I don't like what I'm hearing.
First, Naomi Wolf is crying "coup", since the US Army is apparently being
domestically deployed, and under the Defense Authorization Act 2006, they can get away with an utterly unreasonable amount of shit.
You can see a nearly-thirty minute interview with her on YouTube, which I actually highly recommend. So much, in fact, that it's embedded beneath the following cut. Take the time to watch it, and think about what she's saying, and do a little research and fact-checking.
Click to view
On the same sort of theme, it turns out Sarah Palin is
linked to a group committed to spiritual warfare against Satan's demons, particularly the Queen of Heaven, the 'demon' they hold is behind the Catholic's idolatrous worship of Mary, the pre-Islamic moon goddess(es) (and hence Islam), and other non- and pre-Christian religions. They seem to psychically attack (through prayer) people they don't like, and Mary Glazier, who is working 'for the healing of the nations' seems to be fond of the idea that a prayer-action she was involved in may have been responsible for the death of Mother Theresa. This is chilling whether or not one accepts the metaphysical premise of its possibility. For those of us who do accept that possibility, it is even more shocking: I cannot imagine members of any magical community of which I am aware making the same boasts being in any way supported, encouraged, or even tolerated. Even systems open to the practice of malefic magic would not support such unprovoked spiritual/metaphysical violence.
It's all very strange, and I plan on writing, soon, about the metaphysics of their spiritual warfare, and what it can mean, in practical terms.
The 'coup' thing has me a bit squicked. No few of us, months ago--if not longer--said that we were sceptical Bush would just hand over the reigns. Will we have an election? If we DO, will we have an inauguration? I suspect that answer might depend on who wins the election--that is, whether the GOP is successful at stealing a third election in a row. In my own fervent desire to see Obama as President, I know I lost some sight of the possibility that the election and the peaceable change of power may not actually happen.
Ergh. In more personal news--I'm in Oakland, and making ready to come back to Oklahoma soon. I have some ideas and notions up my sleeves that I am swirling around, and I'm getting antsy to find out what happens, and where I wind up.
Meanwhile, tomorrow I get to go see Ms Wolf speak in Berkeley--hopefully ask a few questions, get some ideas, and meet some other folks who are on a similar page.