In which Elbie needs a running icon. And some Epsom salts.

May 18, 2011 17:27

Last night, a small but persistent voice told me to get off my ass. I haven't been out to exercise since a nice day in February. I told myself I'd get back on the horse as soon as my health was either given a clean bill or a diagnosis, but I'm feeling fine now...

So this morning, I went for a walk/jog. I walked more than I jogged, and my legs are calling me everything but a white girl right now (I can imagine what they'll feel like tomorrow!), but it got me inspired to do it again. And again.

I have goals. My main one is to run the 5K downtown in September again, maybe see if there's another one between now and then to cut my teeth on. But by September, I'll be running it in 30 minutes or less or the pizza's free...

1. Get back to where I can run a mile.
2. Run that mile in 10 minutes.
3. Run that mile in 9 minutes.
4. Run two miles in one outing, both in the 10 minute range (maybe on the outside of 10 minutes for the second one, just to be nice to myself).
5. Run a mile in 8 minutes. (My legs just went "you wanna WHAT?", but it's doable. Remember, I have until September to get this done.)

So once September rolls around, I can run the race thusly: First mile or so in 9 minutes, second mile at a 8 minute pace at least for a while, and then go at a 10-minute mile pace until I've crossed the finish line. Depending on several factors, I could place in my age range. (And I just checked - I'm at the maximum age for that group. Where's my walker?) But mainly I just want to finish at or around (maybe under?) the half-hour mark. Seeing as I ran my first race in under 33 minutes, it should be a piece of cake.

And I think it's good for me to get out. The skin on my legs isn't as angry and itchy as it has been lately. I even managed to shave them, kinda, this morning.

I have a feeling I'm going to crash early tonight and sleep well. Especially if it rains, which it might.

goals, 5k, running, goal patrol

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