Jun 22, 2008 13:00
The Texas-strength beer came in the nick of time to Mom. They told her yesterday that they suspected Dad had another mini-stroke*, and she was a bit emo. He's okay, all things considering - eating well, sleeping okay - but it's just part of this slippery slope his life has become these past four years.
If I think about it, I'll get all emo too. So I'll attempt not to.
Life got real mundane real quick after vacation...
But she was grateful to us for taking Buddy to get his hair cut. I was glad to go. They had a pair of Yorkies at the groomers that were adorable. And up for adoption. If we had a house with a back yard, I'd have a Yorkie today...
Sure Sign I Need To Do Laundry:
I ran out of shorts to wear, so I'm wearing a dress.
I try not to wear dresses unless I can't help it. The drafts just drive me to distraction...
And this one is just rubbing in the fact that I'm toting around water weight. (Auntie Flo + walking around in hot weather = body becoming the Ti-phuqing-tanic.)
Vacation photos need to be resized before they can be downloaded and posted. And since lately I've had the work ethic of a road construction crew member, said pending picture post may be late in coming and relatively short. But strong in content.
I'm going to go sniff around for some food...
* - Mini-strokes are more diagnosed by symptoms than tests. More often than not, a mini-stroke won't show up on an MRI or CAT scan, so to haul Dad to the hospital (which he hates and the rest of us dislike immensely) for a week so they can poke and prod and make it 'official' (after ruling every single other damn thing out) seemed like a waste to everybody involved in Dad's direct care, including his doctor. And Mom.
weight loss,