Apr 23, 2008 09:50
For the most part, I think we realy lucked out with Ashley. She's got a great personality, and some of her quarks she gets from either Emily or me, so they're easy to deal with. When things become frustrating, she is usually getting or is sick. This Saturday she was running a high temp when she got up. Throughout most of the day we gave her infant motrin which helped bring down the fever. In the evening though, her temp spiked at 103.5 - we got worried because we had already given her motrin 30 minutes ago. So just to play it safe, we went to the ER in case there was something going on. What came next flabergasted Em & I - the nurses thanked us, THANKED us, for taking care of our kid. What? What do you mean? "You'd be surprised at the number of parents who bring their children in without attempting to give them any medication what-so-ever." Are you f#$%ing kidding me? I mean, it's our first response; it seems so natural to us that if Ashley isn't feeling well we take measures to make her feel better. I'm left wondering why some parents 1st resort is to take their kid to the ER rather than attempt to take care of them themselves.
Anyways, the doctor there didn't find anything alarming, she just called it a cold. So Monday I stayed home with Ashley and we went to see our family Doctor. We like her, and within a few minutes of describing the symptoms to her she knew exactly what was wrong. It wasn't a cold at all, she has Rosyola (I may have mispelled it?). It sounds slightly scare cause it has a name, but apparently it's one of those illness's that's like the chicken pox or measels - all kids get it at one point or another. She gets a fever for about 3-5 days, then the fever breaks and a rash appears and then it's over with. So we just keep doing what we're doing, alternating motrin & tylenol and push fluids when we can. Her appitite has greatly diminished, but it's slowly coming back now so that is a good sign. Her fevers are also not going as high, so that is also a good sign.
Yesterday we were watching the news and they had a story about greener options to consider when a person dies. This appeals to me greatly because I've always disliked the idea of being sealed away in a casket. There's no point to trying to preserve something that should return back to the earth. Anyways, one of these new things is they take your ashes and basically make a gemstone out of it - they superheat & presurize the ashes to do this (Like how diamonds are made both in labs & naturally). The stone comes out different colors which is based on your body chemistry. We thought this was pretty cool, but it also kinda sucked in a way. I want to know what color my stone would be, except that I'd be dead and would never find out - that's a real bumber there. Emily asked if there was more of you, would the stone be bigger - to which I responded, "I dunno, I suppose it depends on the size of your ash." Thank you, and goodnight!