state of me

Jan 19, 2022 19:50

So it's 2022 and the third week of January already. It feels like a more settled early 2021, before I got occupied by repainting most of my house and then the holidays, which felt busy even without parties.

But here I am, still pleased to be retired and all my time my own, volunteering on Wednesday mornings, going shopping occasionally, going to movies (often with my sis and the twins), but mostly staying home, puttering on house projects (started scraping the wallpaper in the bathroom, which was not on the plan, and is clearly going to be far more of a pain than when I removed the wallpaper from the kitchen over a decade ago), doing some writing (still bouncing back and forth, mostly MCU-related), and catching up on things like organizing photos. My back still stiffens up every night or whenever I sit too long, but I do my physical therapy exercises every day and it's mostly okay.

Purrcy remains a delight and has taken over (from Love Cat, who I lost in 2015) being the cat who cuddles up to me. Often on the last 1/4th of the show I'm watching, making me reluctant to move him when I'm ready to get up, because he's a cat so that kind of timing is required.

I'm still emotionally up and down, but trying to stay focused on gratitude, because I know I'm in a really good situation compared to many people, but I find that difficult sometimes. I'm not much of a people person, but I miss friends so much, and zoom just doesn't fix that.

Anyway, that's the state of me. I think it's time for another cup of tea and paperwork. This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you prefer.
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