(no subject)

Oct 30, 2021 10:09

I have a new kitty, a 13-year-old black and white tuxedo manx. A woman on my neighborhood's Facebook group was looking for a new home for him, as his 90-year-old owner had gone into a care facility, and the 72-year-old friend who was supposed to take the cat suddenly died of a blood clot. He looked so sad in the pictures. I did wait a few days to see if someone else would step forward, but then I had to comment, yes, I'll take him.

She'd said his name was Percy, and that's my least favorite of the Weasley siblings, but she brought me some of his paperwork, and it's actually Purrcey. So I think I'll keep that.

He's done a lot of sleeping since he came on Wednesday but seems to be a little more lively this morning. I think he's feeling settled in and less stressed. My skittish still hisses at him whenever he gets too close, but my orange tabby seems to be okay with him, if not exactly friendly.

I was sorry I'd found the owner for that orange tabby who showed up and moved in, though I'm glad that woman doesn't have to always wonder what happened to her cat. But I guess it made me ready for another little being around here. This entry was originally posted at https://elayna.dreamwidth.org/323522.html. Comment wherever you prefer.
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