(no subject)

Oct 28, 2021 09:44

I saw Dune on Tuesday (with friends, and then we went to pizza afterwards, yay normalcy!). I enjoyed it, and I was definitely glad I saw it big screen. That said, it did seem somewhat slow, taking its time to establish the characters and develop the plot. It's very definitely a Part 1. The ending is not exactly a cliffhanger, in that no one's in mid-peril, but the story of Paul Atreides has much to go.

I don't remember the book very well (wow, it's been over 30 years since I read it), but from the movie I could definitely see Duke Leto/Gurney or Duncan Idaho/Paul Atreides. Seriously, Duncan/Paul, guh.

There isn't a scene after the credits. I didn't think there would be, so I didn't wait, but I went to the bathroom, realized I'd forgot my jacket, and went back in time to see the very end. My gosh credits are long.

I would recommend seeing it big screen (local covid rates allowing) but don't expect fast pacing. This entry was originally posted at https://elayna.dreamwidth.org/323186.html. Comment wherever you prefer.
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