The June Something, Day 12: Who is someone that you share the most fandoms with?
Possibly Cincoflex. We met because of Doctor Who, attended Dean Stockwell's ceremony for his Hollywood Walk of Fame star during our Quantum Leap period, she guided me to Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan and we both wrote it, and are now in Marvel, though different pairings.
I've been especially grateful for both Doctor Who and Star Wars: The Phantom Menace for the people they brought into my life. Doctor Who was local, so I've stayed friends with people who moved away but also a group in town. I think I'm actually the most fannish still, but it's good to have RL friends. (They mostly went into steampunk, which I guess is kinda fannish, but it feels very different to me.)
SW:TPM was my first online fandom and it brought me both semi-local friends who are within driving distance, online friends who I see at cons, and online friends I've never met (and maybe never will), and they're all incredibly important to me. Most of us aren't active in QO fandom, and maybe not even in the same fandoms, but it's still great to have fannish friends, and we get into some excellent conversations sharing our current loves.
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