The June Something

Jun 11, 2021 09:48

The June Something, Day 11: What would make you leave a fandom, or prevent you from getting into it in the first place?

I can't recall anything that ever made me 'leave' a some point, I just drift away. Usually when there's no new canon content and fandom is quietening down and I watch something else that calls to me. And for some of those that I've left, I'll still suddenly write a fic because the pairing/story pops in my mind. I have a friend who has said that when she leaves a fandom, that's it, she's done, she doesn't want to read anything ever again, but for me, I feel a bit like I'll never fully leave a fandom.

Nothing has ever prevented me from writing when there's a scene strong in my mind, though I certainly hesitated to post my first SamBucky, feeling like a newbie to a very established fandom where people are much more involved, have read the comics, seen the animated series, etc., more than I ever have or ever will. This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you prefer.

the june something

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