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Oct 28, 2009 09:46

Wow. Been a while, huh? And considering we are spending a good 2-3 hours idle at work every day, I really have no excuse. Sooooo, what's up in my life?

Not been a very good week, actually. My sister-in-law's ex-husband was killed in a jet ski accident on Sunday. He's her oldest 3 kids' dad. He apparently also had three other kids, one just 2 weeks old, and two step-kids. Very sad. You can read the article here. I'm guessing there will be some sort of law suit coming.

In happier news, Taya and I have been getting ready for Halloween. She's got her costume ready to go. She's going to be Josey, our black and white cat. So cute! And nice and warm and fuzzy, which is good because it's going to be downright chilly on Saturday.

We carved her pumpkin last night. I took a couple of pictures of her with it, but only realized later when she was in bed that she's wearing just her t-shirt and underwear in the pictures. Not really appropriate for printing out and putting up in my cubicle at work! I'll have to do the pictures over again tonight. Going to make Halloween cupcakes tonight as well. Yummy!

We had to have our Zoey kitty put to sleep last month because of cancer. :-( But since then we adopted a new kitty, Kasey. She's 6 months old and is also black and white, to match Josey! (Well, Kasey is more black than white, but whatever...) I'd post pictures, but it looks like I only uploaded them to Facebook and I can't access FB at work. Guess I'll have to wait until I get home and put them on my Photobucket account.

Well, guess I should go check and see if any work has shown up in the system yet. I doubt it, but should check none the less!
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