It's almost Christmas!

Nov 30, 2007 13:17

I really don't seem to be able to post here more regularly. I don't know what it is. The scare of being to negative here, or just being to busy in general. I'm death tired again, the energy to do much more beside working isn't there. It's just to busy and demanding at work and at the moment I can't say I'm enjoying myself. It's just to much and all the extra drama that's involved is not needed.

But, it's almost Christmas! I'm quite excited. I love this time of the year. It would be even better if it would start freezing and maybe snowing, but those are idle hopes I'm afraid. We haven't had decent snow for years, and last year we hardly had any frost at all. We are just moving into an all year round autumn weather I'm afraid!

Yesterday I went and got the Christmas trees! At my moms we had the tradition of putting up the Christmas tree the day after Sinterklaas, which is December 6th. As I don't have kids yet and Christmas trees are showing up all over I decided I wanted to be early. Last year by the time I got around buying my tree the best ones were gone. Not this year! I even went for a bigger tree then usual!

It's in the Winter garden now to slowly settle into the warmth. It also has to fall open as it was bound up when I went to pick it up. I'm planning on moving it into the house and start decorating either tomorrow or on Sunday. I'm not sure if I'll put on all decorations at once. It'll be the first Christmas tree for little Aife. I'm curious how she'll do. She's very good about keeping away from all my stuff. As long as I don't put it on her cage she won't take it. But then again, Christmas balls are still "balls" to play with. Plus she has such an energy and a very long tail! It won't be easy! I think Esna took only about 2 Christmas balls, though I'm not sure. I know for sure she once broke one by passing the tree to closely. She did the same at my mothers house once. But since that she has kept away from the tree. She's not even remotely interested!

So we'll see. I heard about cats getting in the tree. Mine don't do that, except for using it a bit as a litter box. But I'm now putting white stones at the roots so that's a solution.

I haven't bought any new decorations this year. Money is tight. Not tight like I have none, but I need to safe up and well, I've been spending to much and making less. So, no new decorations I guess. But I have plenty.

I'm planning on enjoying these months! I'm not one for all the family activities and tons of parties. I just like the decorations, the homy feeling. I love the long nights and short days, and possibly the cold weather. I even like the music. It's a time I truly enjoy!

Plus I'll probably have the 2 weeks of Christmas and New Year off from work. I need that time away from my job 'cause I'm getting so nervous here. I want to enjoy my time at home ! I had hoped to spend a weekend in Helsinki between Christmas and New Year, but boyfriend chattered my hopes by telling me we're not going as he has a bachelor party on Friday from a friend and that's more important then the little time we can spend together. :( I was so close to tears, but now I'm more angry and I wish I could afford it to make a trip on my own. Just a couple of days to Helsinki or Dublin. But it's all so expensive. Pff.

Ok, so, I will try to post a bit more this month. Maybe just about beautiful decorations or things I saw at the store. Of about looking into peoples houses! :D I love that part of Winter. I'm not curious that I want to know what they are doing or controlling them, I just love passing houses and seeing the lights on and the curtains not closed, and just seeing the inside of the rooms and what people are doing. I don't stay to watch or anything, it are just glimpses while passing by (walking, on the train, by car). I'll try to write about it all ... 

winter, christmas, dogs, work

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