Dec 19, 2007 02:01
Frustration seems to be times at least. Wish there was a better way of putting it, but theres not. As of right now a racing thought pattern, and absolutely no concentration, are more apparent than anything else. But i do absorb some thims, and seem to bounce from one things to the next and obsessing comes and goes. All i want right now is to have at least enough concentration to be able to write something of consequence, but as things are, as of right now, im struggling period, let alone writing. Yet writng helps me, and i still feel the urge that drives it, and that must be fullfilled. So basically im fighting myself. I wish alot of things werent the way they are. But they are not. Oh well. Life is life good or bad, when things finally settle, i will find a time and place to party...enough said?