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brattygurl2011 November 7 2011, 02:00:33 UTC
I don't think I've ever read a Hyuk + Jessica story before and while I'm not really into that coupling, I like this story. I guess it's because it's not really certain where their relationship will lead them. You can guess that they will be together but they went for so long as they are that maybe it stays that way so it doesn't get complicated.

I like how their relationship starts off strange because they only know each other as Hae's girlfriend (or ex-girlfriend) and Hae's roommate. It's funny how you classify people into a category and it's hard to move that relationship into something else and that's how they start off. But as they get to know each other they develop these feelings without saying anything or even making notice of the changes.

With Hae coming back to bring them back to reality or at least recognizing what's happening between them. Then they essentially run away from reality by going back in the car. They don't say a lot to each other but when they do it's significant and even without a lot of dialog you get the emotions. Nicely written.


drawingintheair November 9 2011, 00:27:22 UTC
The thing I like about Eunhyuk and Jessica is the possibility of their dynamics. I can't really see a romance in the conventional sense of the word but this friendship based on understanding because they're sort of similar in certain way. Or at least I see similar qualities in both of them sometimes.

Donghae here while he doesn't even appear, is a very important element in Hyukjae and Jessica's relationship. He's both the detonator and the explosion, what starts them off and possibly what ends it all as well.

Thank you so much for reading despite not being into the pairing :) ~


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