Jun 14, 2010 14:01
Today is my LAST dose of the Daptomycin IV. On Wednesday, I get to lose the PICC line, and then I need to watch my right foot for a few days to see if anything untoward happens, such as recurrence of the infection. If nothing happens, we're good; if it does flare up again, I could be looking at more surgery. MOAR surjury? I kould haz MOAR? NOES!!!!!!!!1111eleventy-one!! Dr. Noe said that if it is going to recur, it will likely do so within a week after the antibiotic course ends. It's been looking pretty good, so my fingers are crossed.
The MUGA went better than I had expected. Heretofore, the technician has stuck me twice - once to inject the "markers" and the second time to inject the radioactive tracer. This time, the technician was smart and actually started a small peripheral IV line, so only one stick, bless his heart.
Also on Wednesday, I get fitted for an orthotic insert and a new pair of shoes. Dr. Noe has also authorised Streamline Orthopaedics to fit me for something for my foot drop on the right, which will make walking much easier. Want to hear something utterly venial, shallow and dumb? Last time I was there with Neil, the only shoes I saw were horribly UGLY. Old Lady Shoes on steroids that had fallen out of the Ugly Tree, hit every. single. branch. on the way down and fell into the Ugly Pit. Did I mention ugly? Of course, it's been a couple of years...maybe they've stopped ordering from Troll Shoes, Incorporated?
As I said, petty, vain, shallow, venial. I imagine I can always go with trainers.
Mithril managed to burn his hind foot again. I washed it and bound it after applying antibiotic ointment. Now we'll see how long he actually keeps the dressing on it. This is the second time he's done this. Silly cat!
I have a few chores, so I'll close for now. Take care, all, and I hope your week is good.
foot issues,
medical follies,