Sep 08, 2007 20:23
I read an artical in the new yorker the other day in my therapist's office about a disorder called Leynach-nehan sysndrome, Totaly misspelled, which is this hard core genetic mutation of an enzime that breaks down leftoever nucliotides so they can be recycled into dna, but apparently when this breaks it causes a variety of fucking awesome and creepy symptoms. The most plesent thing that it does is give you severe gout, cause the left over nucliotides when untreeted turn into uraic acid and crystalise in your blood, the urea crystals also make you piss bloody razor sharp sand, which in itself is very metal. But by far the most metal and awesome thing that happens is... you know how sometimes you'll be holding a knife, and you get a fleating flash of sliting your own throat infront of your dinner guests, or you'll be working on a test in class and you just want to stab your pen into your eye? well apparently everybody gets those desires, and people with this disease can't controll them at all, so they rutinely chew their own lips off and bite off bits of their fingers, stab their eyes and gouge off their noses and what not, a common cause of death among these people (who spend much of their lives restrained from more direct forms of suicide) is to snap your neck backwars with such force that it breaks killing you instnatly. How awesome is that? the kicker is that unlike people who do shit like this while high on pcp or something linach-nehan sufferors are of normal intelegence, and feel pain and fear just like everybody else, so while they're ripping out their own eyes with their bear hands they beg for help and scream in pain, Death rock.