Jan 25, 2012 12:03
- Wed, 10:10: Been awake since about 4:30 and we got to the hospital at 7am. Hoping James is ok as I'm not allowed in the ward to find out. #fb
- Wed, 10:12: He apparently was first on the list, so hopefully the surgery has happened/is happening. Looking forward to getting him back home. #fb
- Wed, 11:14: Yay just seen James briefly before he has a
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Jan 13, 2012 01:04
- Чт, 21:20: Having some sort of allergic reaction. Face has swollen up and I've got a rash. Would understand if I had eaten chilling but I haven't. #fb
- Чт, 21:22: Chilli not chilling. #fb
Jan 07, 2012 12:04
- Пт, 17:58: First use of the steamer I got for Christmas to do tonight's broccoli. #fb
- Пт, 20:32: This evening I've made two pairs of earrings and a necklace. #fb