May 16, 2012 23:20
Okie doke. So apparently this is an annual journal. It's been almost a year since my last post. Time to catch up...
So, the kid's theatre company blew up in my face (big surprise). If you read my last post, I said I wanted to "grit my teeth" and bear it, despite the fact I was already DONE with that company.
Ok, so here's the scoop. I later found out the reason why I was always so mixed up with my directions to the gigs was because THEY GAVE ME THE WRONG FUCKING TOUR BOOK!!!! The one I got had OLD directions, including interstates that have been changed and reconstructed.
Anywho, even after acknowledging their mistake, they threatened to dock my pay because I didn't seem dedicated to the show. See, they ONCE AGAIN booked a gig on a day I worked. But I COULDN'T get a replacement, and I was already written up for calling out so much (for them). I had a "HULK SMASH" moment.
THEY WERE DOCKING MY PAY BECAUSE THEY SENT ME THE WRONG TOUR BOOKS? WHEN THEY WERE VIOLATING MY CONTRACT THAT HAD BEEN TWO MONTHS EXPIRED ANYWAY (that's another thing. They extended the show despite our contracts only covering us up to July with out really asking the cast) I blew up at the old fuck who ran things. I don't like doing that, but I couldn't help it.
The stress of it got to me. They wore me out with their demands. I would be devoted to a show IF THEY PAID WELL, but these fuckers didn't and my income was suffering. And then they threaten to lower my pay?
FUCK NO. I told them I'd finish the remainder of the tour, but if they doc my pay to expect a call from a lawyer ( Brian gets legal consultation as a perk from his job. He was more than willing to let me use it).
After this the old fuck backpedaled. Said he really wanted me to continue with the company, how great I am, blah blah blah. BULLSHIT. I was done.
After the hell they put me through?? THERE IS A REASON FOR ACTOR'S EQUITY, PEOPLE.
I HATE FLORIDA THEATER. God I miss New York sometimes.
In other news...Brian got a new job. And he's miserable! (heheh) After a few months of misery, he FINALLY admitted to the possibility of him being wrong in his decision not to move in with me.
The good news is, he's moving in with me at the end of this summer! Now the only question would be, is his bro coming? It'd be cool if he was. I got no beef with Al. Al's a good guy.
J is engaged to his lady, which is great. Keeps him outta MY hair. Though I do have to suffer from a joint custody fiance on the weekends.
LOL Whatever.
In OTHER OTHER news...
Fantasy Fart Factory (real mature, Elana) kinda fucked me up. That whole shit storm made me want to quit acting. I mean it. In New York, I was happy. The cast members were NY snobs sometimes, but the work was good, the pay was good, and that was fine.
Here? The pay sucks, the work is so-so, and they're STILL snotty as fuck. I'm turning crabbier the longer I stay here.
Anyways, I have now adapted a lovely little chip on my shoulder, and a royal "FUCK YOU" attitude. And as my climactic endeaver to flipping off the WORLD, let along the entertainment industry, I have entered a semi-rebellious phase.
I started posing nude for erotic kitsch photography. Mostly pin-up stuff,not exactly porn, but nude nude nude. FUCK YOU, AMERICA. Pollyana is now DEAD.
I wonder if this is how Linsey Lohan felt?
Anyways, after almost a year of devoting myself to, thrilling geeks with naked kitsch art photography writing my manuscript and perfecting my bartending and waitressing skills, I decided to cut the pity party and get back out there. Even if it's just for shits and giggles.
I got an email from a theater I performed at in a vaudeville burlesque bar show (this was the beginning if my rebellious post Children's Theatre phase).
The guy was putting on a production of Hair. He was also doing a run of Avenue Q.
Anywho, long story short I went for the gig. I wanted to perform again, and at least in Hair I can get naked, thus continuing my FUCK EVERYTHING rebellion simultaneously.
The guys wanted me to also do Ave Q. YEEHAW!
Until Monday.
Ok, so I auditioned, and he said he'd give me the job. Great, right? I went to one of the shows, and got excited again. This was gonna rock.
Then I never heard back from him. I figured, oh well. Show's not til June, I'll hear back from him after Mother's Day. Monday, he sends me a pissy email about not hearing back from me...
I'm like WTF? So I call him. He's pissed, says his "stage manager" had been trying to call me and never got a response. Even claims to have sent me emails.
I assured him I didn't get jack and or. But he was already in a pissy mood, said I should've called. Right away my defenses are up.
Then I recognize the "stage manager" as this punk who auditioned for MY show a year ago. My mom loved him, wanted to hire him, but when we tried to contact him he disappeared. Would've been better if he just friggin let us know he didn't want the part.
So I suspect he recognized me, and to avoid me he pretended I didn't respond back. He SWEARS he called me? Suuure... Either that or he's a complete ditz.
We're already starting out on the wrong foot here. Not to mention, there IS conflicts with my dayjob (again...jeez people, how am I supposed to eat, dammit???)