Sophie is now in kindergarten. I can still hardly believe it! Today is her second day and she started to get that "Wait, Mom!" look on her face and then realized that the Daily Question was starting. I blew her a kiss and she followed suit and then turned around and found Tatum and Celia (her two little friends from soccer) and didn't notice me again. I'm letting her eat hot lunch today and she is so thrilled.
And Paige is trying desperately to crawl. She gets her little butt up in the air and kneels, but hasn't figured out her hands. I'm secretly so glad. I'm not ready for her to be totally mobile. She can't sit up yet either and that would be nice but she's still so smooshy and cuddly that I'm ok keeping her little for a few more weeks.
I'm on a major organization push. Sophie's closet is on its final phase of organization and I'm getting her art desk cut at Home Depot tonight (I'm cutting one of
these Ikea tables in half and then 2x4ing it to the wall). And I decided that for the family room I'm getting a couple of the
Ikea lockers so that I can lock the toys inside and only open them when I want the contents out! With the shelves and the desk and the lockers, plus the shelves in the living room, I think all of their toys and books will finally have a home. Yes, I'll take pics some day.
Oh, and speaking of which, I'm actually managing to put pics up of Sophie's first day! Enjoy.
Edit: Comcast decided that last week was a good time to get confused about our business class status so I basically went a week without internet. Fun times! But here are the photos at last:
Daddy was the paparazzi that day.
We'd seen some little keychain shoes in the classroom during her assessment so Sophie brought one to her.
Shooting tight= two different shots.
In focus is Celia, one of her buds on her soccer team. And the blond (who you'll see in a second) is Tatum. They're the new triumverate. In the bright pink is "the other Sophie." Hopefully they'll get to be friends but Sophie G is having a hard time sharing a name with my Sophie.
Never take the "first day pic" at the end of school again!