It's been sort of crazy weather around here lately. And by crazy, I mean, "Go home, mother nature, you're drunk." We've had the below zero temps. We've had three inches of snow with 30 mph winds. We've had 55 degrees and sunny. And that's just in the last two days. (Not kidding.)
Today was the 55 degree day, so
tegyrius and I got out and ran 2 miles in the slush. It was difficult - I was definitely panting at the end - but I was pleasantly surprised when my Forerunner informed me that it was my fastest average pace since I started using this thing. I wasn't really trying to run fast; in fact I consciously slowed down because my heart rate was getting higher than I wanted it to.
The heart rate monitor has been the absolute best thing for my running, by the way. Previously, I kept trying to run as fast as I thought I should be able to. Given what I know now, I was probably hitting my max heart rate quite a lot -- and actually, that's not really where you want to be for training. That may explain why once we started running without intervals, I didn't seem to be getting any better. Now, with paying attention to hitting a training heart rate more consistently...well, Thursday before last (the 16th) I did a long slow run and did 2.5 miles in about 31 minutes.
My current goal is to run a 5K. I don't know when and I don't know where; this winter is not conducive to making specific training plans. But I'm going to do it at some point.