I've decided I will try and write a review for every book I read from now on and post it here. So, let's start this show with Robin McKinley's Sunshine.
Oh, and for all future references, I will (probably) be referring to spoilers but not like...book ending spoilers. Just general plot ones. So, here we go.
Sunshine by Robin McKinley
Sunshine is about a girl (Rae "Sunshine" Seddon) in her mid-twenties who is what the community calls a magic handler. In this alternate universe, the people of Earth are aware of the presence of the Others--vampires, were-animals, demons, etc. She is captured by vampires for a vampire who is a prisoner of these "bad" vampires. The prisoner's name is Constantine and let me tell you--hello, hottie! Anyway, Sunshine rescues Con by keeping him safe from the sunlight (which will burn him) by keeping physical contact until they are safe. The story goes on from there and they lose contact for quite some time (two months) and then Con shows up again and tells her they're bonded now but Bo (the bad vampire master dude) is out to get the both of them because of an age-old rivalry.
Okay, first things first. The characters are all very interesting. Despite the lack of personality detail of Con, we somehow know him. We want to hold him and squeeze him and hug him and name him George. We want to feed him some of Sunshine's famous cinnamon buns. The frustrating thing about him is, he never makes a move on Sunshine despite the obvious tension between them. Why? Who knows. Sunshine is possibly an even better character, though, because she is HUMAN. Or, well...in the sense that she's not perfect. Despite the fact that she has her boyfriend, Mel (also an excellent character--a good boy with tats? yes please!), she has at least one heavy fantasy about Con. Because the characters are so interesting, the relationships are also interesting. Aimil, Sunshine's friend, and Pat, also a friend--though more of an acquaintance--seem like the perfect couple, even though there is no indication that there is any attraction whatsoever--that could just be my fanfiction-crazed side talking though.
So now, the plot evaluation. Confusing. Why? Beacuse I skimmed 'cause I was getting fed up with how long it was taking me. The plot and occurrences are slow, especially if you're only reading for Con--which I admit, I was at times.
And of course, I have to talk about the super intense actiony action scene that is the solution. I had no idea what was happening through the whole thing. Sunshine (the narrator) was just babbling on about God knows what and none of the actual action was described until her big part came. Which, I suppose is realistic--if I was being attacked by several angy vampires, I don't think I would be comprehending the action around me either--but it made for an unsatisfying solution and a confusing ending.
However, because the characters were so bloody fantastic, I'll give the book a 4/5.